P. Minissale
Taxonomical remarks on Trifolium savianum Guss. and its relationship with T. uniflorum L.
In the frame of investigations on endemic or rare taxa of the Sicilian flora, Trifolium savianum Guss., a misappreciated species occurring in a small area of Peloritani mountains (NE Sicily) is examined. According to literature data, the species has been considered as a synonym of T. uniflorum L. (Lojacono, 1891; Zohary, 1969; Jafri, 1980; Zohary & Heller, 1984; Greuter, 1989), as a variety (Gibelli & Belli, 1892; Vierhapper, 1919; Fiori, 1925) or as a subspecies of the aforesaid species (Nyman, 1878; Coombe, 1968; Tutin et al., 1968; Pignatti, 1982). The analysis of morphological features, carried out on herbarium and living matherial, has highlighted that T. savianum can be considered as …
Taxonomical and phytogeographycal remarks on Trifolium savianum Guss., a misappreciated species of the Italian flora.
The taxonomic position, chorology and phytosociological role of Trifolium savianum, a misappreciated species of the Italian flora, are examined. The species is closely related to T. uniflorum, E.-Mediterranean element, from which it differs in several morphological features regarding leaves, flowers and fruits. Distinction of the two taxa at the specific level is also supported by their geographical isolation dating back to the end of the Messinian period. From the phytosociological point of view, T. savianum is a member of an orophilous grassland rich in chamaephytes belonging to Plantaginion cupani, alliance of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. This community is proposed as a new association, name…
Contributo alla conoscenza della vegetazione forestale dell’Egeo.
Nell'ambito di ricerche fitosociologiche nell'area egea vengono presentati i risultati relativi alle formazioni forestali attualmente osservabili nelle isole dell'Egeo meridionale. Questo tipo di vegetazione è stato in precedenza oggetto di studio da parte di vari autori, fra cui in particolare Krause et al. (1963), Zohary & Orshan (1966), Barbero & Quezel (1980), Costa et al. (1984) e Géhu et al. (1989, 1990, 1992), che hanno esaminato sotto il profilo fitosociologico alcune isole dell'Egeo quali Eubea, Creta, Rodi e Karpatos. Allo scopo di ampliare le conoscenze su quest'area del Mediterraneo, ancora poco nota dal punto di vista vegetazionale, sono state effettuate indagini su numerose is…
The Lygeo-Stipetea class in Sicily
Basing on literature data and unpublished relevés from Sicily, a survey of the syntaxa belonging to the class Lygeo-Stipetea Rivas-Martínez 1978 is presented. This perennial vegetation is characterized by the dominance of big caespitose hemicryptophytes, and it is widely distributed in Sicily from the sea level up to 1500 m a.s.l. The class is represented in Sicily by two orders, floristically and ecologically well differentiated: Lygeo-Stipetalia, including the sole alliance Moricandio-Lygeion exclusively of clayey substrates, and Hyparrhenietalia hirtae, including five alliances (Hyparrhenion hirtae, Avenulo cincinnatae-Ampelodesmion mauritanici, Thero-Brachypodion ramosi, B…
A syntaxonomical survey of the Sicilian dwarf shrub vegetation belonging to the class Rumici-Astragaletea siculi
Basing on literature data and unpublished relevés from Sicily, a survey of the syntaxa belonging to the class Rumici-Astragaletea siculi Pignatti & Nimis 1980 em. Mucina 1997 (= Cerastio-Carlinetea nebrodensis Brullo 1984) is presented. The class groups orophilous plant communities dominated by dwarf- shrubs, often with a pulvinate and thorny growth form. The class is represented in Sicily by two orders: Rumici-Astragaletalia siculi Pignatti & Nimis 1980, including the sole alliance Rumici-Astragalion siculi Poli 1965, restricted to Mount Aetna, and Erysimo-Jurinetalia bocconei Brullo 1984, including two alliances: the acidophilous Armerion nebrodensis Brullo 1984 and the basiphilous Cerast…
Towards a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous vascular flora.
The strict relationship between plants and particular types of substrate has long been known to botanists and plant ecologists who have dealt with this issue. The peculiar flora growing on Italian gypsum substrates has been underlined since the nineteenth century (1, 2, 3). The concept of plant gypsophily can be defined as the exclusiveness or marked preference for living on gypsum outcropping rocks. Thus, only those plant species which show preference, or even exclusivity, for gypsum substrates, should be classified as gypsophilous (4). The main aim of this research has been to provide a checklist of the Italian gypsophilous flora. The study was made possible through international collabor…
Syntaxonomic survey of the class Pegano-Salsoletea in Italy
After a general outline on the syntaxonomical framework of the class Pegano harmalae-Salsoletea vermiculatae Br.-Bl. & O. Bolos 1958, the occurrence of this vegetation in the Italian territory is examined. In Italy, this vegetation is mostly found on clayish or marly substrata, particularly if slightly enriched with nitrates and chlorides. With reference to the Rivas-Martı´nez bioclimatic classification, the Italian stands have an infra- to thermo-Mediterranean thermotype (marginally up to the meso- Mediterranean one) with dry or arid ombrotype. In particular, this vegetation is well represented in Sicily, while in Sardinia and along the Italian Peninsula, it progressively becomes more rare…
Syntaxonomical analysis of the beech forests from Sicily
The results of a phytosociological investigation on the beech forests occurring in Sicily are given. On the basis of literature and unpublished data, four well differentiated associations have been identified and classified within the Doronico-Fagion, alliance of Querco-Fagetea. All the surveyed woodlands are localized in the mountain belt of North and North-Eastern Sicily. The associations have been examined from the floristical, ecological, chorological and nomenclatural point of view. Besides, a numerical analysis applied to the phytosociological relevés emphasizes the differences among the associations.
The endemic vascular flora of Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily): Plant functional traits and phytogeographical relationships in the most isolated and fragmentary micro-plate of the Alpine orogeny
This study is aimed at (1) producing a complete and updated inventory of the endemic vascular flora of Peloritani Mountains, (2) defining the geographical limits of Peloritani, regarded here as a biogeographical district and (3) highlighting possible paleogeographic connections with other Mediterranean lands. The heterogeneity analysis of the endemic flora was performed by means of contingency tables, through the χ2 test. The endemic flora of this area consists of 129 specific and infraspecific taxa, of which 15 are restricted to the Peloritani Mountains. The analysis of habitats revealed that endemic taxa are most abundant on cliffs, rangelands, woods and garrigues. A large number of surve…