Fabrice Hoarau

L'esprit des lois altimédiévales d’après l'oeuvre de Claude Fleury

International audience

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Nietzsche : la fatalité de l'esclavage

research product

On the issue of the most serious crime in the penal doctrine of Domat

Domat's reflection on the most serious crimes follows a rich theological and legal tradition, which has been examining the subject since the twelfth century. Hostile to the Stoic idea of equality of faults, the jurisconsult acknowledges the existence of a hierarchy of crimes. His various criminal classifications (the targets of the crime, the types of crime, the possessions that can be achieved by the crime), if they actually obey the rational logic that constantly directs his method, however, do not facilitate the discovery of what constitutes according to him the most serious crime; many of his successors (among them Muyart de Vouglans) will follow a different path, focusing more specific…

research product


research product

La Bruyère, critique de la ville ?

International audience

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research product


research product

Le judaïsme dans la pensée de Bossuet et de Fleury

research product

The armed forces as guardians of institutions and freedoms

“Let arms yield to the toga” (Cicero). It is generally from this angle that legal and political thought studies the military, with the idea of subjecting them to the civil authorities. This book takes the opposite view, analysing the role of the armed forces, whether professional or not, as protectors of institutions and liberties, in the light of doctrines. It explains why several countries have chosen to offer the military the deposit of their constitution, in other words their guardianship, going so far as to ratify their regulatory power. As an alternative to the right of resistance, this guardianship is not without danger, and can sometimes lead to a "democracy in the shadow of swords"…

research product

La punition chez les moralistes du XVIIe (La Bruyère et Fénelon)

International audience

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