François Malrain
Reconstitution des pratiques agricoles du Ier millénaire a.C. en France orientale, d'après le croisement des données carpologiques et archéologiques
International audience
La Vallée de l'Oise. Chapitre 8
International audience
Géographie des dépôts du sanctuaire de Saint-Just-en-Chaussée (Hauts-de-France, Oise)
International audience; The sanctuary of Saint-Just-en-Chaussée is bounded by a very vast surrounding enclosure which contains several enclosures. Each of them welcomed particular ritual which are translated by a clear differentiation of deposits. In certain sectors are the rests of faunae which dominate whereasothers are characterized by the ascendancy of ceramic, metal still of interred ritual burial and scattered human bones. The set is completed bypits with banquet.
La vallée de l’Oise
International audience
L’économie agro-pastorale au second âge du Fer en Gaule
International audience
Hillforts in France (22th c. BC-1st c. AD): a draft of current thinking
Histoire de l'agriculture en Gaule. 500 av. J.-C. - 1000 ap. J.-C.
Les paysans gaulois.
Évolution des modes de production agricole au cours du 1er millénaire av. n. e. dans l’est de la France : propositions d’après l’analyse carpologique des adventices
International audience
The rural dwelling of the Second Iron Age
This book, resulting from a national investigation conducted by Inrap, is an analytical presentation of the rhythms of the emergence and abandonment of rural settlements during the Second Iron Age in the northern half of France. Depending on the region studied, between the 5th century BC and the 1st century AD, rural settlements were established, and have now been studied through preventative archaeological operations covering large surfaces. These studied updated our knowledge of the Gallic countryside, integrating paleobotanical, zooarchaeological and climatic data. Through systematic studies and presentations, this book offers a useful glimpse into this period, linking archaeology and hi…
Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXIIe-Ier siècles av. J.-C.)
A review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone…
Consommation et statuts sociaux dans les fermes du Nord de la France
Una síntesis realizada sobre más de 500 granjas ha servido para proponer una clasificación jerárquica en cuatro categorías diferentes. El aspecto más visible es el tamaño del hábitat, pero la cultura material indica una clara división en clases sociales. El estudio se apoya sobre un análisis profundo de los residuos y/o de los depósitos, con una atencion particular sobre los artefactos que pueden estar relacionados con la alimentación. La funcionalidad de la cerámica, la calidad de la misma (decoración e importación …), los restos culinarios (fauna) que traducen las diferencias de estatus entre los habitantes de un mismo sitio se tienen particularmente en cuenta.