J. Iborra Bosch
Efectos teratogenos de la radiacion sobre las extremidades : estudio experimental en el embrion de pollo
Experimental development limbs anormality in the chick embryo by Co-60 radiation is reported along a period of time from hatching until ten days after birth. The malformations in the lower limbs and in the wings are described according to the embriological stage ant the radiation dose used.
Actividad mitotica del cartilago articular del conejo sometido a inmovilizacion y descarga
The timidine H3 uptake in the mitosis index into the articular cartilage of the knee is studied in 7 growing rabits without weight bearing. The autoradiography shows that, after 48 hours of inmovilizatinn, the uptake of timidine H1 and the mitosis index is the same in the free knee. The actual role of the joint rnovements in the cartilaginous nourishment is discussed.
Las artropatías neuropáticas tabéticas : (a propósito de la revisión de 27 casos de artropatía tabética)
Twenty-seven cases of Charcot's joints artropathy (Tabetic Arthropaty) are collected at the Orthopaedic University Department of the Medical School uf Valencia (Spain) along the last twenty-five years. Its clinical and radiographic aspects are commented. The treatment is discussed.
Artropatía neuropática diabética múltiple: aportación de un caso
Se presenta un caso de artropatía neuropática múltipl e en un varón de 35 años de edad afecto de una diabetes mellitus tipo I grave y mal controlada, de larga evolución. La artropatía debutó a los 30 años con una fractura espontáne a del cuello de l astrágal o y fractur a de l maleól o media l tra s un traumatism o bana l de tobillo . Posteriormente , cuatro años y medio más tarde, presenta una fractura espontánea del calcáneo contralateral y tres mese s despué s una fractura del platillo tibial interno de la rodilla izquierda. Los autores analizan los factores de riesgo para desarrollar una artropatía neuropática severa, así como el tratamiento más apropiado. We present a cas e of multipl …
Incurvaciones congénitas de tibia : revisión de 15 casos
15 patients with Congenital Kyphoscoliotic tibia are colected, with a follow up until 18 years. The authors used a prognosis criteria to classify and stablished the problem from every one on the groups in order to prognosis, evolutive and treatment. Key Words:
Roturas traumaticas del ligamento colateral medial de la articulacion metacarpo-falangica del pulgar (lesion de stener) : a proposito de 30 casos tratados quirurgicamente
Thirty cases of rupture of the ulnar-collateral Iigament of metacarpal phalangeal joint of the thumb (Stener's lesion) are reported. The biomecanics of this ligament and the mechanisms of its rupture as well as the most frequent anatomopatologic types are described. The importance of the surgical treatment and sorne details of its technique are emphasized.
Sarcoma Epiteloide : (aportación de un caso y revisión bibliográfica)
A case of Epiteloid Sarcoma found at the heel (considered an infrequent Iocation) is reported. The authors carry out a bibliographical review. An histological and immunohistochemical study is made.
Luxaciones carpo-metacarpianas
Three cases of multiple carpo-metacarpal dislocation are reported. Thcir mechanism, anatomical details and clinical aspects are commented. The treatment is discussed, reduction, with emphasis in its stabilization.
Artropatía neuropática diabética del tobillo
An unusual localisation of Charcot's joint disease is the ankle. A 31 year old patient developped a Charcot's joint after a trivial trauma, the spontaneus fracture of the tallus was followed by a quick joint destroy.