Francisco Jesús Luque
Magnetic ordering in an (Fe0.2Cr0.8)1.5[Cr(CN)6] Prussian blue analogue studied with synchrotron radiation based spectroscopies
The appearance of magnetic order in the (Fe0.2Cr0.8)1.5[Cr(CN)6]·15H2O Prussian blue analogue at low temperature has been investigated by means of synchrotron radiation-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. With the help of ligand field multiplet analysis we have been able to identify the oxidation states of the metallic cations present in the sample and their evolution with temperature. Our experiments reveal that the appearance of ferromagnetic order is triggered by the transformation of CrIII cations to CrII high-spin caused by a transfer of electrons from the Fe to the Cr resulting in an increase of the magnetic interactions within the (Cr, Cr) subla…
Photoinduced effects on the magnetic properties of the (Fe0.2Cr0.8)1.5[Cr(CN)6] Prussian blue analogue
International audience; One of the most attractive characteristics of some Prussian blue derivatives is the sensitivity of their magnetic properties to the irradiation with light. In this work photoinduced effects in the (Fe0.2Cr0.8)1.5[Cr(CN)6]·15H2O PBA have been studied by means of X-ray-based spectroscopies and magnetometry. It is found that the photosensitivity of this compound is mostly centred on the Fe cations: the exposure to green light induces a transfer of electrons from them to the Cr that provokes a reversal of the previously existing linkage isomerization and increases the elastic strain caused by the misfit of the unit cells of the Fe–NC–Cr and Cr–NC–Cr sublattices. The gree…