Michał Piróg

Relativistic Low Angular Momentum Accretion: Long Time Evolution of Hydrodynamical Inviscid Flows

We investigate relativistic low angular momentum accretion of inviscid perfect fluid onto a Schwarzschild black hole. The simulations are performed with a general-relativistic, high-resolution (second-order), shock-capturing, hydrodynamical numerical code. We use horizon-penetrating Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates to remove inaccuracies in regions of strong gravity near the black hole horizon and show the expected convergence of the code with the Michel solution and stationary Fishbone-Moncrief toroids. We recover, in the framework of relativistic hydrodynamics, the qualitative behavior known from previous Newtonian studies that used a Bondi background flow in a pseudo-relativistic gravit…

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Self-gravitating magnetized tori around black holes in general relativity

We investigate stationary, self-gravitating, magnetised disks (or tori) around black holes. The models are obtained by numerically solving the coupled system of the Einstein equations and the equations of ideal general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics. The mathematical formulation and numerical aspects of our approach are similar to those reported in previous works modeling stationary self-gravitating perfect-fluid tori, but the inclusion of magnetic fields represents a new ingredient. Following previous studies of purely hydrodynamical configurations, we construct our models assuming Keplerian rotation in the disks and both spinning and spinless black holes. We focus on the case of a toro…

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