The metal binding abilities of Megathura crenulata metallothionein (McMT) in the frame of gastropoda MTs.
Metallothioneins (MTs) are proteins that play a major role in metal homeostasis and/or detoxification in all kind of organisms. The MT gene/protein system of gastropod molluscs provides an invaluable model to study the diversification mechanisms that have enabled MTs to achieve metal-binding specificity through evolution. Most pulmonate gastropods, particularly terrestrial snails, harbor three paralogous isogenes encoding three MT isoforms with different metal binding preferences: the highly specific CdMT and CuMT isoforms, for cadmium and copper respectively, and the unspecific Cd/CuMT isoform. Megathura crenulata is a non-pulmonate gastropod in which only one MT isogene has so far been re…