Hormonal Contraceptive Use Does Not Affect Strength, Endurance, or Body Composition Adaptations to Combined Strength and Endurance Training in Women
Myllyaho, MM, Ihalainen, JK, Hackney, AC, Valtonen, M, Nummela, A, Vaara, E, Häkkinen, K, Kyröläinen, H, and Taipale, RS. Hormonal contraceptive use does not affect strength, endurance, or body composition adaptations to combined strength and endurance training in women. J Strength Cond Res 35(2): 449-457, 2021-This study examined the effects of a 10-week period of high-intensity combined strength and endurance training on strength, endurance, body composition, and serum hormone concentrations in physically active women using hormonal contraceptives (HCs, n = 9) compared with those who had never used hormonal contraceptives (NHCs, n = 9). Training consisted of 2 strength training sessions a…