Alessandra Debeus

Decidual endothelial cells express surface-bound C1q as a molecular bridge between endovascular trophoblast and decidual endothelium.

This study was prompted by the observation that decidual endothelial cells (DECs), unlike endothelial cells (ECs) of blood vessels in normal skin, kidney glomeruli and brain, express surface-bound C1q in physiologic pregnancy. This finding was unexpected, because deposits of C1q are usually observed in pathologic conditions and are associated with complement activation. In the case of DECs, we failed to detect immunoglobulins and C4 co-localized with C1q on the cell surface. Surprisingly, DECs expressed mRNA for the three chains of C1q and secreted detectable level of this component in serum-free medium. The ability to synthesize C1q is acquired by DECs during pregnancy and is not shared by…

research product

C7 is expressed on endothelial cells as a trap for the assembling terminal complement complex and may exert anti-inflammatory function.

AbstractWe describe a novel localization of C7 as a membrane-bound molecule on endothelial cells (ECs). Data obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), Western blot analysis, Northern blot analysis, and mass spectrometry revealed that membrane-associated C7 (mC7) was indistinguishable from soluble C7 and was associated with vimentin on the cell surface. mC7 interacted with the other late complement components to form membrane-bound TCC (mTCC). Unlike the soluble SC5b-9, mTCC failed to stimulate ECs to express adhesion molecules, to secrete IL-8, and to induce albumin leakage through a monolayer of ECs, and more importantly protected ECs from the proinf…

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