John Plummer
A Multistart Scatter Search Heuristic for Smooth NLP and MINLP Problems
The algorithm described here, called OptQuest/NLP or OQNLP, is a heuristic designed to find global optima for pure and mixed integer nonlinear problems with many constraints and variables, where all problem functions are differentiable with respect to the continuous variables. It uses OptQuest, a commercial implementation of scatter search developed by OptTek Systems, Inc., to provide starting points for a gradient-based local NLP solver. This solver seeks a local solution from a subset of these points, holding discrete variables fixed. The procedure is motivated by our desire to combine the superior accuracy and feasibility-seeking behavior of gradient-based local NLP solvers with the glob…
Pseudo-Cut Strategies for Global Optimization
Motivated by the successful use of a pseudo-cut strategy within the setting of constrained nonlinear and nonconvex optimization in Lasdon et al. (2010), we propose a framework for general pseudo-cut strategies in global optimization that provides a broader and more comprehensive range of methods. The fundamental idea is to introduce linear cutting planes that provide temporary, possibly invalid, restrictions on the space of feasible solutions, as proposed in the setting of the tabu search metaheuristic in Glover (1989), in order to guide a solution process toward a global optimum, where the cutting planes can be discarded and replaced by others as the process continues. These strategies can…
Scatter Search and Local NLP Solvers: A Multistart Framework for Global Optimization
The algorithm described here, called OptQuest/NLP or OQNLP, is a heuristic designed to find global optima for pure and mixed integer nonlinear problems with many constraints and variables, where all problem functions are differentiable with respect to the continuous variables. It uses OptQuest, a commercial implementation of scatter search developed by OptTek Systems, Inc., to provide starting points for any gradient-based local solver for nonlinear programming (NLP) problems. This solver seeks a local solution from a subset of these points, holding discrete variables fixed. The procedure is motivated by our desire to combine the superior accuracy and feasibility-seeking behavior of gradie…