Gamow-Teller Transitions and β-decay Half-life in Proton Rich pf-shell Nuclei
In violent neutrino‐induced reactions at the core‐collapse stage of type II supernovae, Gamow‐Teller (GT) transitions starting from stable as well as unstable pf‐shell nuclei play important roles. In the β‐decay study of these unstable pf‐shell nuclei, half‐lives can be measured rather accurately. On the other hand, in high‐resolution (3He,t) charge‐exchange reactions at 0°, individual GT transitions up to high excitations can be studied. Assuming the isospin symmetry for the strengths of Tz = ±2→±1 analogous GT transitions, we present a “merged analysis” for the determination of GT transition strengths starting from proton‐rich Tz = −2 nuclei. We applied this analysis to the A = 52, T = 2 …