Annachiara Genna

Optimizing Renewable Power Management in Transmission Congestion. An Energy Hub Model Using Hydrogen Storage

Energy production from distributed renewable power plants underwent a takeoff in last years as never before. Nevertheless, the installation of technologies based on variable energy resources and their connection on transmission power lines might cause congestions due to the transmission capacity limits. This paper describes the modelization of a HV transmission line with local renewable production and its optimal management through an Energy Hub model. Aim of the study is to identify the optimal size of the power storage, based on an electoryzer, a hydrogen storage and a fuel cell, in order to minimize the congestion risks and to maximize the exploitation of renewable energy production.

research product

Optimizing the generation system in a microgrid with power, thermal energy and mobility demands

Microgrids are widely known to be the future of generation and distribution systems. This paper presents a method to optimize the size of the main components in a microgrid to supply the demands for electricity, heating and hydrogen for mobility through an Energy Hub model. The electricity production from a wind turbine, a CHP and a fuel cell satisfies the local electricity demand. The green hydrogen produced in the hub from renewable power in off-peak hours is used to feed the fuel cell or to meet the mobility demand. The heating power from CHP and fuel cell is used to feed the local district heating network.

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