Kari Brodtkorb
Conflicting rationales: leader's experienced ethical challenges in community health care for older people.
BACKGROUND Ethical challenges arise in all types of care, and leaders need to be aware of how to resolve these challenges. Healthcare systems tend to be organised around medical conditions, and the patient is often faced with a series of uncoordinated visits to multiple specialties. Ideally, care should be organised around the patient's needs. AIM The purpose of this article was to highlight some ethical challenges perceived by leaders with responsibility for management and service distribution, finance and ensuring quality of community health services for older people. METHOD This study had a qualitative design with a qualitative content analysis of one focus group with six leaders that me…
Fasilitering av opprykksprosessen: Veiledningsformer og erfaringer
The chapter presents experiences derived from the facilitating program for associate professors seeking promotion as qualified docents (professors) at the University of Agder. Two participants from the docent seminar program describe and assess the academic advisement they received. The advisors and program supervisors describe the theoretical framework as well as how the process unfolded. Finally, the authors discuss the role academic advisement plays and its importance in facilitating the docent promotion process for the candidates.
Preserving dignity in end-od-life nursing home care: some ethical challenges.
The importance of leadership in innovation processes in nursing homes: An integrative review
The rapidly growing number of older people with increasingly complex needs places pressure on quality of care and thereby presents a need for innovation in nursing homes. The aim of this review was to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of evidence for the importance of leadership in innovation processes in nursing homes. A systematic search was conducted. Titles and abstracts were screened for relevance, data from full texts were extracted and reduced and quality appraisal was performed. Content analysis resulted in two categories: organizational factors associated with innovation and leadership characteristics in innovation, constructing the overall theme, ‘leadership: …
Ethical challenges in care for older patients who resist help
Background: Situations where patients resist necessary help can be professionally and ethically challenging for health professionals, and the risk of paternalism, abuse and coercion are present. Research question: The purpose of this study was to examine ethical challenges in situations where the patient resists healthcare. Research design: The method used was clinical application research. Academic staff and clinical co-researchers collaborated in a hermeneutical process to shed light on situations and create a basis for new action. Participants and research context: Four research groups were established. Each group consisted of six to eight clinical co-researchers, all employees with diff…
Preserving dignity in end-of-life nursing home care: Some ethical challenges
A central task in palliative care is meeting the needs of frail, dying patients in nursing homes. The aim of this study was to investigate how healthcare workers are influenced by and deal with ethical challenges in end-of-life care in nursing homes. The study was inspired by clinical application research. Researchers and clinical staff, as co-researchers, collaborated to shed light on clinical situations and create a basis for new practice. The analysis resulted in the main theme, ‘Dignity in end-of-life nursing home care’, and the sub-categories ‘Challenges regarding life-prolonging treatment’ and ‘Uncertainty regarding clarification conversations’. Our findings indicate that nursing hom…
Nursing students' perceptions of combining hands-on simulation with simulated patients and a serious game in preparing for clinical placement in home healthcare: A qualitative study.
Abstract Background There is a growing demand to provide complex healthcare services in patients' own homes. However, high quality home healthcare clinical placements are often difficult to obtain, and arranging laboratory-based simulations to provide relevant clinical-practical learning experiences for all students is resource intensive. Objectives The aim of this study was to explore nursing students' perceptions of using a blended simulation approach, including hands-on simulation with simulated patients and a video-based serious game, in preparation for their home healthcare clinical placements. Design An exploratory qualitative design using focus group interviews was utilized. Setting …
Social Innovation Toward a Meaningful Everyday Life for Nursing Home Residents: An Ethnographic Study
Background: The literature shows that innovation, which includes culture change, may be important to create a meaningful everyday life for nursing home residents. However, there is a gap in how social innovation practices may contribute to this. The theoretical discourse for the study is person-centered care.Aim: The main aim was to explore phenomena within social innovation that can contribute to improving nursing home residents’ everyday lives.Design and Method: This study uses an ethnographic design with observations and interviews in two nursing homes in Southern Norway.Findings: The main theme was that social innovation within working practices in nursing homes includes phenomena that …