Adam Konefał
Measurements of Thermal and Resonance Neutron Fluence and Induced Radioactivity Inside Bunkers of Medical Linear Accelerators in the Center of Oncology in Opole, Poland
Emission of high-energy X-ray and electron therapeutic beams from medical linear accelerators is related to undesirable neutron production and to induction of radioactivity. In this work, measurements of thermal and resonance neutron fluence and induced radioactivity were performed inside two bunkers with medical linacs — Elekta in the Center of Oncology in Opole (Poland). The bunkers differ with a construction of their walls. The neutron measurements were performed by means of the induced activity method during emission of the 18 MV X-ray beam. The investigation of radioactivity induced by neutrons was based on the method of off-line gammaray spectroscopy measurements. This work has shown …
Measurements of neutron radiation and induced radioactivity for the new medical linear accelerator, the Varian TrueBeam
Abstract Contemporary linear accelerators applied in radiotherapy generate X-ray and electron beams with energies up to 20 MeV. Such high-energy therapeutic beams induce undesirable photonuclear (γ,n) and electronuclear (e,e'n) reactions in which neutrons and radioisotopes are produced. The originated neutron can also induce reactions such as simple capture, (n,γ), reactions that produce radioisotopes. In this work measurements of the non-therapeutic neutrons and the induced gamma radiation were carried out in the vicinity of a new medical accelerator, namely the Varian TrueBeam. The TrueBeam is a new generation Varian medical linac making it possible to generate the X-ray beams with a dose…