M Basile

Factors influencing hospital infection control policies in Italian hospitals

A study was undertaken to determine the resources available in Italian hospitals for the control of nosocomial infections and the factors favouring a successful approach. During January-May 2000 a questionnaire about infection control was sent to the hospital health director of all Italian National Health System hospitals treating acute patients and with more than 3500 admissions in 1999. An active programme was defined as a hospital infection control committee (HICC) meeting at least four times in 1999, the presence of a doctor with infection control responsibilities, a nurse employed in infection control and at least one surveillance activity and one infection control guideline issued or …

research product

ALICE: Physics performance report, volume II

ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC. It currently involves more than 900 physicists and senior engineers, from both the nuclear and high-energy physics sectors, from over 90 institutions in about 30 countries. The ALICE detector is designed to cope with the highest particle multiplicities above those anticipated for Pb-Pb collisions (dN(ch)/dy up to 8000) and it will be operational at the start-up of the LHC. In addition to heavy systems, the ALICE Collaboration will study collisions of lower-mass ions, which are a means of varying the energy density, …

research product

Retrospective Analysis On Selection Criteria For Clinical Trials In An Unselected COPD Outpatient Population

research product

A search for quarks in the CERN SPS neutrino beam

Quarks and leptons are the only pointlike particles known so far. However, a search for a proton-breaking mechanism in high-energy neutrino-nucleon interactions had never been performed. We present here the results of the first experiment in this field.

research product

Evidence of the same multiparticle production mechanism in p−p collisions as in e+e− annihilation

The split-field magnet spectrometer at the CERN intersecting storage rings was used to measure, in p-p collisions at square root s=62 GeV, the inclusive momentum distribution of the charged particles produced in the same hemisphere as the leading proton (x>0.4). A new scaling variable was introduced in order to take into account baryon-number conservation effects in p-p interactions. It is shown that distributions in this variable are in good agreement with the momentum distribution of the hadrons produced in e/sup +/e/sup -/ annihilation. The results suggest that the multiparticle production mechanism in p-p collisions is the same as in e/sup +/e/sup -/ provided that the effects of baryon-…

research product

IL SETTECENTO E IL SUO DOPPIO. Rococò e Neoclassicismo,stili e tendenze europee nella Sicilia dei viceré

research product