Mohamad Watfa
Is Sentiment Risk Priced By Stock Market?
International audience; This study tests if the financial markets price the investors sentiment risk. We construct portfolios based upon the stock returns exposure to sentiment. Our results show that the portfolio returns are positively correlated with the exposure of stocks to sentiment. The strategy that consists of buying stocks with the highest exposure to sentiment and selling stocks with the lowest exposure to sentiment generates a significant raw profit. Exploring the sources of profit, we find that neither the traditional risk factors nor the momentum factor can account for the profit. However, we find that the addition of the sentiment risk premium contributes to explain the profit.
Do Investors Care About Noise Trader Risk?
International audience; The link between investor sentiment and asset valuation is at the center of a long-running debate in behavioral finance. Using a new composite sentiment indicator, we show that the conventional risk does not explain the abnormal returns of portfolios most sensitive to the sentiment factor. Our result supports the existence of a sentiment risk valued by financial markets. We also find that the firms more impacted by the sentiment risk correspond to difficult-to-arbitrage and hard-to-value stocks, e.g. small stocks, growth stocks, young stocks, unprofitable stocks, lower dividend-paying stocks, intangible stocks and high volatility stocks.