Djamal Benslimane
AMUN: An Object Oriented Model For Cooperative Spatial Information Systems
International audience; The diversity of spatial information systems promote the need to integrate heterogeneous spatial or geographic information systems (GIS) in a cooperative environment. We present an on going research project, called ISIS (Interoperable Spatial Information System), which aims to build an environment to support interoperability of GIS by interconnecting spatial data repositories and spatial processing resources. Our solution combines techniques from traditional interoperable information systems, spatial data modeling and distributed object oriented databases. While object oriented data modeling impact has been studied in spatial databases, research in model for distribu…
On the definition of generic multi-layered ontologies for urban applications
Cooperation of information systems is essential for providing decision support for urban management applications. This involves sharing data across collections of the heterogeneous information systems that are used to manage large urban infrastructures. The objective of this work is to define a spatial ontology to describe key features of urban applications, providing a foundation for semantic reconciliation among heterogeneous spatial information sources. We propose a multi-layered ontologies definition framework consisting of ontology layers which are composed of a generic functional structure and one or more domain ontologies. The functional structure embodies general ontological concept…
A multiple layered functional data model to support multiple representations and interoperability of GIS
This paper presents a multi-layered functional data model to support multiple representation and information sharing among distributed spatial information systems. The key idea is that a geographical space (foe example an urban space) can be viewed as a set of abstract spatial functionalities on which different application classes can be derived to manipulate objects of the same geographical space and share the same abstract generic functionalities. The object classes define multiple views or representations of a domain. For example in urban management, transportation systems, water supply and sewage systems applications can share generic network functionalities defined by graph treversal o…
Multi-data models translations in interoperable information systems
Interoperation of heterogeneous and autonomous information systems has traditionally been hampered by semantic differences in their data models. In this paper, we address the problem by defining a methodology called TIME, which is based on an extensible meta model. Its key features are: a set of meta-types which can be used to represent the syntax and the semantics of data modeling concepts, a knowledge base of transformation rules that map a meta-type into other meta-types, and an inference engine which uses the transformation rules to translate schema from source to target models. The extensibility of the meta-model is achieved by organizing the meta-types into a generalization hierarchy …
Les systèmes d'information coopératifs : le projet DECA
International audience; Ce travail répond aux besoins d'accès uniformes et coopératifs à plusieurs systèmes d'information hétérogènes. Nous décrivons un cadre de travail pour les systèmes d'information coopératifs et présentons le projet DECA qui propose une approche de médiation de contextes. La principale caractéristique de la solution proposée réside dans la résolution dynamique des conflits schématiques et sémantiques des données. Ceci est réalisé à travers le modèle AM UN, modèle orienté objet étendu pour gérer la coopération de systèmes. Une architecture faiblement couplée, basée sur le paradigme multi-agents, est présentée.
A Web Centric Semantic Mediation Approach for Spatial Information Systems
International audience; Semantic mediation is increasingly at the heart of the design of emerging webbased information systems, particularly spatial information systems thatrequire the integration or interoperation of a collection of heterogeneousdata sources. Ontologies are increasingly used to represent agreed semantic ofapplications by providing formal description models and related tools toexplicitly specify the conceptual entities of an application. Past research intraditional database integration has identified key issues in the resolution ofvarious structural and semantic conflicts. Recent research effort has extendedthis early research to address the interoperability of spatial info…