L. Castillo Ruiperez
Tratamiento del choque femoroacetabular mediante miniabordaje anterior. Resultados a corto plazo
El tratamiento quirúrgico del choque femoroacetabular (CFA) es un práctica clínica cada vez más frecuente en nuestra especialidad. Objetivo. Analizar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de una primera serie de pacientes diagnosticados de CFA intervenidos mediante miniabordaje anterior. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo de 30 pacientes con una edad media de 36,2 años y un seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses. La valoración clínica se ha realizado mediante las escalas SF-36, WOMAC y NAHS. Evaluamos la corrección radiológica de la deformidad y la progresión o no del grado de coxartrosis. Resultados. Se obtuvo una corrección adecuada de la deformidad en el 93% de los casos, 27 de los 30 paci…
Vástagos monobloque de recubrimiento completo en cirugía de revisión femoral. Resultados a largo plazo de 80 casos.
Bone stock lost and anatomical changes in the proximal femur make femoral revision surgery a complex procedure where the implant chooses will be essential. With the aim of evaluating the clinical and radiological results of the fully coated monoblock stems, we retrospectively studied 80 consecutive cases of femoral revision surgery operated by our hip team. The mean follow-up was 8.6 years. The average score on the Harris Hip Score was 81,2 points. We achieved better results in patients with less bone defects (Paprosky I, II and IIIA) in contrast to those with Paprosky type IIIB defects (p=0.005), in patients with a single previous surgery (p=0.031), in patients under 65 years (p=0.009) and…
Tratamiento de oligometástasis mediante cirugía oncológica con intención curativa
Oligometastasis is a clinical condition characterized by the presence of one to five metastases in a controlled or potentially controllable neoplasm, which can be treated at a local level through ablative therapy. Material and methods. We report the case of a 49 years old male who is diagnosed of a renal cell carcinoma, and presents metastases in the left humerus and the right radius. Two-stage surgery is carried out with the placement of tumor prosthesis in the humerus and reconstruction by using the fibula and osteosynthesis with a plate in the radius. Results. In the course of two years of monitoring, the patient is now disease free at both a local and systemic levels with a good clinica…