F. Gatineau

Development of a specific assay using RISA for detection of the bacterial agent of 'basses richesses' syndrome of sugar beet and confirmation of a Pentastiridius sp. (Fulgoromopha, Cixiidae) as the economic vector

International audience; A technique for the specific diagnosis in insects of SBRp (the γ-3 proteobacterium associated with the syndrome ‘basses richesses’ (SBR) of sugar beet crops in eastern France), using the RISA (rDNA intergenic spacer analysis) technique, was developed. PCR using the Alb1/Oliv1 primer pair specifically amplified a 16S-ITS region of SBRp and produced a characteristic DNA fingerprint. This PCR assay did not detect other closely related organisms, including the Arsenophonus endosymbiont of Diaphorina citri, the secondary endosymbiont of Glycaspis brimblecombei, or ‘Candidatus Phlomobacter fragariae’, a related phytopathogenic γ-3 proteobacterium. Six different ribosomal o…

research product

Association with the syndrome "basses richessses" of sugar beet of aphytoplasma and a bacterium-like organism transmitted by a pentastiridius sp.

International audience

research product

Rôle étiologique du phytoplasme du stolbur et d'un bacterium-like organism (BLO) dans le syndrôme des basses richesses (SBR) de la betterave sucrière (Beta vulgaris L.). Epidémiologie de la maladie et biologie du vecteur identifié, le cixiide Pentastiridius beieri, Wagner

*UMR Biochimie, biologie cellulaire et écologie des interactions plantes/microorganismes domaine d'Epoisses 21110 Bretenières Diffusion du document : UMR Biochimie, biologie cellulaire et écologie des interactions plantes/microorganismes domaine d'Epoisses 21110 Bretenières Diplôme : Dr. d'Université

research product