Anders Persson
Laser XUV haute cadence pompé par laser Titane : Saphir, vers la station LASERIX
Nous presentons des resultats recents de laser X collisionnel transitoire pompe en incidence rasante a haut taux de repetition. Ils ont ete obtenus a partir du laser de pompe Titane:Saphir 30 TW disponible sur l'installation europeenne du LLC a Lund (Suede). Nous avons demontre lors de cette experience qu'il etait possible d'obtenir en routine pres de 3 microjoule par impulsion a 18,9nm avec seulement J d'energie de pompe infrarouge. Nous avons plus particulierement etudie l'influence de l'angle de rasance sur cible de l'impulsion laser qui vient pomper le plasma, quelques centaines de picosecondes apres la premiere impulsion responsable de sa creation. Un systeme d'imagerie XUV a haute res…
X-ray imaging of the heating zone of non-normal incidence pumped XRL plasma
Soft x-ray emission, above 600 eV, from a grazing incidence pumped Ni-like Mo x-ray laser (GRIP-XRL) [1] plasma was investigated. Using a pinhole camera looking along the target surface, perpendicular to the direction of the XRL emission, spatially-resolved information was obtained with a resolution which was limited only by the pinhole size of 10 μm. The relative distance from the target surface to the plasma zone heated by th e picosecond pulse was investigated for different GRIP angles, energy ratios and delays between the plasma producing and the plasma heating pulses.
Landé factor and lifetime measurements in even-parity Rydberg series of PbIusing time-resolved laser spectroscopy
Lande gJ factors and lifetimes for the levels in the even-parity Rydberg series 6pnp (n = 9-16) and 6pnf (n = 6-12) as well as for the levels from perturbing configurations of neutral lead have been measured using laser-induced fluorescence and Zeeman quantum-beat techniques. Two-step excitation was performed in a thermal atomic lead beam. Strong perturbations in the Rydberg series are manifested both in the gJ factor and lifetime data.