Presence of immunoglobulins, C3 and cytolytic C5b-9 complement components on the surface of erythrocytes from patients with β-thalassaemia/HbE disease
The occurrence of IgG, IgM, IgA, C3 and C5b-9 complement complexes on erythrocytes from 43 patients with beta-thalassaemia HbE disease was investigated. Indirect immunoradiometric assays using radioiodinated protein A were employed to quantify the individual components. We confirmed that circulating erythrocytes from thalassaemic patients contained elevated amounts of IgG, and small but significant amounts of C3. In addition, small but significant amounts of C5b-9 were detected. Levels of cell-bound IgG, C3 and C5b-9 were higher in splenectomized versus non-splenectomized patients. The presence of C5b-9 on circulating cells from five splenectomized patients was confirmed by an ELISA employi…