Pigment organization and energy transfer dynamics in isolated photosystem I (PSI) complexes from Arabidopsis thaliana depleted of the PSI-G, PSI-K, PSI-L, or PSI-N subunit.
Abstract Green plant photosystem I (PSI) consists of at least 18 different protein subunits. The roles of some of these protein subunits are not well known, in particular those that do not occur in the well characterized PSI complexes from cyanobacteria. We investigated the spectroscopic properties and excited-state dynamics of isolated PSI-200 particles from wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants devoid of the PSI-G, PSI-K, PSI-L, or PSI-N subunit. Pigment analysis and a comparison of the 5K absorption spectra of the various particles suggests that the PSI-L and PSI-H subunits together bind approximately five chlorophyll a molecules with absorption maxima near 688 and 667nm, that…