Peng Wu
Cyclic Sulfoximine and Sulfonimidamide Derivatives by Copper‐Catalyzed Cross‐Coupling Reactions with Elemental Sulfur
Copper-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of α-bromoaryl NH-sulfoximines with elemental sulfur lead to benzo[d][1,3,2]dithiazole-1-oxides, which represent a new class of three-dimensional heterocycles. The reactions proceed under mild conditions showing good functional group and heterocycle tolerance. By imination/oxidation, the initial cross-coupling products can be converted to unprecedented cyclic sulfonimidamides derivatives. Furthermore, a seven-membered heterocycle was obtained by a ruthenium-catalyzed ring-expansion with ethyl propiolate. peerReviewed
Optimal design of flax fiber reinforced polymer composite as a lightweight component for automobiles from a life cycle assessment perspective
The present study combines the generalized rule-of-mixture (ROM) model and the Ashby material selection method for the life cycle assessment (LCA) of flax fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) and glass FRPs (GFRPs). The ROM model allows life cycle environmental impact predictions according to specific parameters of flax FRPs such as fiber format, volume fraction, manufacturing technique, and load-bearing capacity. The comparisons applied in this study are constructed on two common composite structures: mat panels and injection molded struts with equal stiffness and strength as the design criteria. On the one hand, the parametric LCA predicts that the equal strength design criterion for flax FRP…
CCDC 2225023: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Peng Wu, Jas S. Ward, Kari Rissanen, Carsten Bolm|2023|Adv.Synth.Catal.|365|522|doi:10.1002/adsc.202201408