Anne Brita Thorød
Human-Animal Relationships in Supported Housing: Animal Atmospheres for Mental Health Recovery
Being in a relationship with an animal can promote the well-being of people. For many individuals, this usually takes place at home. This study reports about homes for people with mental health problems (with or without co-occurring substance use), who live in supported housing operated by public landlords, entailing tenancies that are usually stricter regarding their pet policies than ordinary homes. We thus addressed the following research questions through ethnographic fieldwork at seven distinct places: which types of human–animal relationships occur in supported housing, and how do they affect the tenants? We analyzed the collected data informed by the Grounded Theory approach and foun…
Fasilitering av opprykksprosessen: Veiledningsformer og erfaringer
The chapter presents experiences derived from the facilitating program for associate professors seeking promotion as qualified docents (professors) at the University of Agder. Two participants from the docent seminar program describe and assess the academic advisement they received. The advisors and program supervisors describe the theoretical framework as well as how the process unfolded. Finally, the authors discuss the role academic advisement plays and its importance in facilitating the docent promotion process for the candidates.
En ikke-planlagt karriere. En oppsummering av og etter-refleksjon over en dosentsøknad
The author describes her professional journey from social worker in various settings via contract appointment at a research institution to employment as a university tutor. She relates how she left a nearly completed PhD project and joined the docent path instead. The importance of the critical scientific approach in her research work and how it influenced her application for promotion is explained. She also presents a thorough description of her application and shares some ideas for her work as a docent.
Network dilemmas. Supplements when income doesn’t cover family expenses
AbstractThe purpose of this article is to explore how families with low income experience network supplements when income does not cover the daily expenses, and to discuss how people look at this supply. The article is based on qualitative data from the Norwegian ‘Children’s level of living – study’. One child and one parent in 26 low income families were interviewed individually about their daily life. This article is based on interviews with the parents, and the analyses are inspired by grounded theory. Results: Despite a universal welfare system, people firstly turn to family and social network when they are in need. This is, however, an ambiguous experience and the informants are concer…
Sosial eksklusjon
Published version of a chapter in the book: Barns levekår. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.nova.no/id/17250.0
I never asked to quit school myself? A qualitative study of a group of girls? path to drop out of upper secondary school
In this article we explore the school history of girls who are dropping out from upper secondary school, recorded with mental problems. The study has a qualitative, exploratory design with an inductive approach. Interviews were conducted with life-line method, with some supplemental questions. Most of the girls experience weak relations to both school-peers and teachers in primary school. Some of them are bullied and describe a school without capability to deal with the problems and work for an including school environment. When they reach upper secondary school they have a high absence rate and most of them are requested to terminate school, partly due to the risk of losing part of their s…
Er det for dyrt? Om barns deltakelse og valg av organiserte fritidsaktiviteter når familiens økonomi er svak
Author's version of an article in the journal: Fontene forskning. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.fontene.no/fontene_i_pdf/fontene_forskning_i_pdf/ I denne artikkelen studerer jeg hva som styrer barn i lavinntektsfamiliers deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter, i lys av økonomi og sosial kapital. Datamaterialet er fra den kvalitative delen av prosjektet; Barns levekår – betydningen av familiens inntekt (Sandbæk og Pedersen (red.) 2010). 26 barn i alderen 11 – 13 år er intervjuet om sitt hverdagsliv. Barna beskriver at det enten er venners deltakelse eller egne interesser som styrer hvilke aktiviteter de velger. Ved å gå nærmere inn i historiene viser det seg at famili…
Child poverty in a Scandinavian welfare context - from children's point of view
Published version of an article published in the journal: Child Indicators Research. Also available from the publisher at: http;//dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12187-010-9092-0 The focus for this article is child poverty in a Nordic welfare state context. With data from two qualitative studies from Sweden and Norway, we discuss child poverty from the children's point of view, in the framework of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, articles 27 and 28. In article 27, food, housing and clothing are mentioned as particularly important for an adequate standard of living. In poverty studies where children's voices are being heard there has been little focus on these necessities. We find that a fe…
Sosial kapital mellom generasjoner og nærmiljø : en kunnskapsoversikt
Published version of a chapter in the book: Sosial kapital og andre kapitaler hos barn og unge i Norge. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.nova.no/asset/4609/1/4609_1.pdf
Marte Meo as a port of entry to parental sensitivity - a three–case study
Abstract Background Early parent- child relations play an important role in children’s development. Therapeutic intervention towards infants and toddlers at high-risk intends to prevent mental health problems. In this work, the parent-child-dyad is crucial. The video interaction guidance method, Marte Meo, is one among different methods used in attachment-based treatment in an outpatient infant mental health clinic. Parental sensitivity towards infants and toddlers needs is considered significant in developing secure attachment. Secure attachment is further considered decisive for mental health and the extent to which children are at risk of developing mental health problems. Different trea…