G. Jansen
Immediate Effects of Vibration Transmitted to the Hand
Summary Three different research projects have been accomplished on the problems: biomechanical behaviour of the hand-arm-system; subjective sensation; physiological changes. Some of the main results were:—the wrist and—with smaller amplifications—the elbow show resonances at low vibration frequencies (10–20 Hz);—with constant acceleration subjective perception decreases with increasing frequency;—application of static grip force—without vibration—causes significant reduction of the skin temperature, which under vibration stress remains at the same lowered level.
Lärm als Umweltproblem
Noise as an Environmental Problem. Anatomical structure and physiological function of the human ear are described. It is shown that constant noise stress leads to damage of certain parts of the inner ear. These damages proceed characteristically and may be diagnosed relatively early by means of audiometric tests. VDI-instructions 2058 (sheet 2) prescribes screening-tests for an earliest possible detection of incipient noise damage. In addition to ear-damaging effects of noise there have also been recorded physiological reactions under noise influence. Such disturbances, however, cannot as yet be described as an “Extraaural disease”. On the other hand, the fact that high sound intensities of…
Problems in determining the size of the population and critical groups exposed to environmental noise
Abstract In order to better estimate how and to what extent people are affected by exposure to environmental noise, an attempt must be made to calculate first the size of the entire population exposed to certain levels of noise and, second, groups within the population which are particularly sensitive to noise. Such a study has been started in the Federal Republic of Germany. It has been estimated that about 14 million people are exposed to sound levels of roughly 62 dB(A) and about 2 million to levels of roughly 70 dB(A). Nothing is yet known about the existence or size of sensitive groups within these populations, however, and the following report lists areas needing research in terms of …
Role of hypoxia in pemetrexed-resistance of mesothelioma mediated by proton-coupled folate transporter, and preclinical activity of new anti-LDH compounds
Introduction There are few effective therapies for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), which remains one of the most lethal cancers. We previously demonstrated that low expression of the PCFT transporter, both at mRNA and protein levels, is associated with shorter survival of MPM patients treated with pemetrexed (Giovannetti et al., 2017). Since hypoxia has also been associated to antifolate-resistance (Raz et al, 2014), this study was aimed at elucidating key factors in pemetrexed resistance and hypoxia that may contribute to the rational development of novel therapeutic interventions against mesothelioma. Methods The levels of PCFT and of the hypoxia marker carbonic anhydrase-IX were de…
Aircraft noise and premature birth
Abstract Certain physiological effects suggest that there may be a relationship between premature birth and noise exposure. Vasoconstriction in the peripheric blood vessel system is one effect. Others would be augmentation of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone and a higher vegetative excitability during pregnancy. Animal experiments have demonstrated negative effects but there is little literature available as yet on the specific relationship between exposure to aircraft noise and negative effects on pregnancies. A study of this relationship was undertaken in an area near the airport at Dusseldorf, Germany. While no significant negative effects could be demonstrated, a tendency toward an incr…