Alejandro Ferrando
Putrescine as a signal to modulate the indispensable ABA increase under cold stress.
2 páginas -- PAGS nros. 219-220
Fertility and Polarized Cell Growth Depends on eIF5A for Translation of Polyproline-Rich Formins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
eIF5A is an essential and evolutionary conserved translation elongation factor, which has recently been proposed to be required for the translation of proteins with consecutive prolines. The binding of eIF5A to ribosomes occurs upon its activation by hypusination, a modification that requires spermidine, an essential factor for mammalian fertility that also promotes yeast mating. We show that in response to pheromone, hypusinated eIF5A is required for shmoo formation, localization of polarisome components, induction of cell fusion proteins, and actin assembly in yeast. We also show that eIF5A is required for the translation of Bni1, a proline-rich formin involved in polarized growth during …
Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in Meat Products by PCR
Homeostatic control of polyamine levels under long-term salt stress in Arabidopsis
Salt stress has been frequently studied in its first osmotic phase. Very often, data regarding the second ionic phase is missing. It has also been suggested that Putrescine or/and Spermine could be responsible for salt resistance. In order to test this hypothesis under long-term salt stress, we obtained Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants harboring pRD29A::oatADC or pRD29A::GUS construction. Although Putrescine was the only polyamine significantly increased after salt acclimation in pRD29A::oatADC transgenic lines, this rendered in no advantage to this kind of stress. The higher Spermine levels found in WT and transgenic lines when compared to control conditions along with no increment o…
Putrescine accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic lines enhances tolerance to dehydration and freezing stress
Polyamines have been globally associated to plant responses to abiotic stress. Particularly, putrescine has been related to a better response to cold and dehydration stresses. It is known that this polyamine is involved in cold tolerance, since Arabidopsis thaliana plants mutated in the key enzyme responsible for putrescine synthesis (arginine decarboxilase, ADC; EC are more sensitive than the wild type to this stress. Although it is speculated that the over-expression of ADC genes may confer tolerance, this is hampered by pleiotropic effects arising from the constitutive expression of enzymes from the polyamine metabolism. Here, we present our work using A. thaliana transgenic pl…
Características diferenciales de la delincuencia juvenil entre 2006 y 2015 en adolescentes con medidas judiciales en medio abierto del Ayuntamiento de Valencia
El objetivo del presente trabajo era determinar la existencia de diferencias en la delincuencia juvenil entre adolescentes que cometieron un delito en el 2006 y en 2015, y si existian diferencias en funcion del genero en las variables delictivas. La muestra estuvo formada por 427 adolescentes entre 14 y 18 anos con una medida judicial en medio abierto. Los resultados muestran que se comenten mas delitos en 2006, la reincidencia es mayor en 2015 y se da un crecimiento de los delitos de lesiones en el ano 2015. Con respecto al genero las mujeres cometen su primer delito a una edad menor, sin embargo los hombres cometen mas delitos y presentan una mayor reincidencia. En relacion a las medidas …
Biochemical quantitation of the eIF5A hypusination in Arabidopsis thaliana uncovers ABA-dependent regulation.
The eukaryotic translation elongation factor eIF5A is the only protein known to contain the unusual amino acid hypusine which is essential for its biological activity. This post-translational modification is achieved by the sequential action of the enzymes deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH). The crucial molecular function of eIF5A during translation has been recently elucidated in yeast and it is expected to be fully conserved in every eukaryotic cell, however the functional description of this pathway in plants is still sparse. The genetic approaches with transgenic plants for either eIF5A overexpression or antisense have revealed some activities related to t…
Aminopropyltransferases involved in polyamine biosynthesis localize preferentially in the nucleus of plant cells
Plant aminopropyltransferases consist of a group of enzymes that transfer aminopropyl groups derived from decarboxylated S-adenosyl-methionine (dcAdoMet or dcSAM) to propylamine acceptors to produce polyamines, ubiquitous metabolites with positive charge at physiological pH. Spermidine synthase (SPDS) uses putrescine as amino acceptor to form spermidine, whereas spermine synthase (SPMS) and thermospermine synthase (TSPMS) use spermidine as acceptor to synthesize the isomers spermine and thermospermine respectively. In previous work it was shown that both SPDS1 and SPDS2 can physically interact with SPMS although no data concerning the subcellular localization was reported. Here we study the…
Homeostatic control of polyamine levels under long-term salt stress in Arabidopsis
Salt stress has been frequently studied in its first osmotic phase. Very often, data regarding the second ionic phase is missing. It has also been suggested that Putrescine or/and Spermine could be responsible for salt resistance. In order to test this hypothesis under long-term salt stress, we obtained Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants harboring pRD29A::oatADC or pRD29A::GUS construction. Although Putrescine was the only polyamine significantly increased after salt acclimation in pRD29A::oatADC transgenic lines, this rendered in no advantage to this kind of stress. The higher Spermine levels found in WT and transgenic lines when compared to control conditions along with no increment o…