James D. Webster
Halogens in Mafic and Intermediate-Silica Content Magmas
As volatile and variably mobile components, halogens play key roles in magmatic, metasomatic, mineralizing, and volcanic processes by influencing the physical and chemical properties of melts, fluids, and minerals. Volcanic emission of halogens to the atmosphere leads to long- and short-term impacts on atmospheric chemistry that range from global perturbation of the stratospheric O3 budget to more localized life-threatening contamination of soils and fresh water. The concentrations of F, Cl, Br, and I in melts, fluids, and minerals provide crucial geochemical information and insights into magmatic processes ranging from partial melting to volcanic eruptions. Halogen research is useful for e…
Halogens in volcanic systems
The transport, degassing and atmospheric release of halogens from active volcanism on Earth have been the 12 focus of increasing interest over the last few decades, and have recently been the subject of the 1st workshop 13 on “Halogens in volcanic systems and their environmental impacts” that was held in December of 2007 at 14 Yosemite Lodge in Yosemite National Park, California. As an introduction to this Chemical Geology special 15 issue, collecting contributions from many of the participants at the workshop, we review here recent 16 advances in this field, including experimental and theoretical investigations of halogen behaviour in volcanic 17 and related magmatic systems. We discuss pr…