Extrasystolie während extrakorporaler biliärer Stoßwellenlithotripsie: Inzidenz und klinische Bedeutung*
Incidence and clinical significance of cardiac side effects of extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) were prospectively analysed for 85 patients (26 men, 59 women; mean age 44 [17-81] years) with cholecystolithiasis (n = 70) or choledocholithiasis (n = 15). 24-hour ECG monitoring was undertaken on the day of treatment. Additionally, during ESWL cardiac rhythm and blood pressure were monitored. ESWL was performed with an electromagnetic lithotriptor under light anaesthesia with intravenous diazepam (10 mg) and pethidine (75-100 mg). There were no superventricular premature systoles in any of the patients during treatment. In 15 patients with occasional ventricular premature systoles (…