A. M. Rostas
Thermal gating of magnon exchange in magnetic multilayers with antiferromagnetic spacers
We observe a strong thermally-controlled magnon-mediated interlayer coupling of two ferromagnetic layers via an antiferromagnetic spacer in spin-valve type trilayers. The effect manifests itself as a field-induced coherent switching of the two ferromagnets, which can be controlled by varying temperature and the spacer thickness. We explain the observed behavior as due to a strong hybridization of the ferro- and antiferro-magnetic magnon modes in the trilayer at temperatures just below the N\'eel temperature of the antiferromagnetic spacer.
Antiferromagnet-mediated interlayer exchange: hybridization versus proximity effect
We investigate the interlayer coupling between two thin ferromagnetic (F) films mediated by an antiferromagnetic (AF) spacer in F*/AF/F trilayers and show how it transitions between different regimes on changing the AF thickness. Employing layer-selective Kerr magnetometry and ferromagnetic-resonance techniques in a complementary manner enables us to distinguish between three functionally distinct regimes of such ferromagnetic interlayer coupling. The F layers are found to be individually and independently exchange-biased for thick FeMn spacers - the first regime of no interlayer F-F* coupling. F-F* coupling appears on decreasing the FeMn thickness below 9 nm. In this second regime found in…