M. G. Morticelli

Entella. Manufatti in pietra tenera di epoca medievale. Primi risultati da un approccio multidisciplinare

Da oltre trent’anni anni la Scuola Normale Superiore conduce indagini archeologiche nel sito di Rocca d’Entella (Contessa Entellina, PA) e ricognizioni nel territorio comunale di Contessa Entellina. Le ricerche hanno permesso di delineare la storia del popolamento umano dall’antichità all’epoca moderna in un’ampia area della Sicilia occidentale interna, comprendente un centro d’altura naturalmente forti$cato (Entella) che per secoli ha mantenuto una $sionomia urbana e un’ampia porzione di territorio da esso dipendente, almeno in alcune epoche storiche. Per il Medioevo, in particolare, le ricerche hanno mostrato una ripresa dell’insediamento aperto già in epoca tardobizantina e ancor più nel…

research product

The land bridge between Europe and Sicily over the past 40 kyrs: Timing of emersion and implications for the migration of Homo sapiens

The submerged Sill in the Messina Strait, which is located at a depth of -81 m m.s.l., represents the only possibile connection between Calabria and Sicily during the last lowstand, when the sea level was at about -126 m m.s.l. This multidisciplinary research aim at documenting times and modes the bridge between Calabria and Sicily was emerged, during the last 40 ka BP. The analysis carried out on morphobathymetric, lithological and relative sea level change (both isostatic and tectonic) data allow to hypothesize the continental bridge emerged at least between 21.5 ka and 20 ka cal BP. Moreover, considering erosion processes due to very strong marine currents, it could be emerged for a long…

research product

Comparing marine geology and coastal geomorphology vertical tectonic data, a case study between Acquedolci and Patti (Messina)

The study of new data on vertical movements show a complex geologic response in a restricted sector of coastal area between Acquedolci and Patti (north-eastern Sicily). Different surveys allowed to the recognition of morphological, biological and archaeological markers of paleo-sea level. The analysis of these markers and the absolute datings performed, allowed to reconstruct the history of vertical deformation of this sector but only the comparison among coastal geomorphological data and marine geological data of platform-scarp continental system associates, allowed to find the necessary keys words to explain the geologic complexity of this sector.

research product