V. Laudicina
Soil bioindicators and weed emergence as affected by essential oils extracted from leaves of three different Eucalyptus species
The widespread use of synthetic herbicides has resulted in herbicide-resistant weeds, altered ecological balance and negative effects on human health. To overcome these problems, efforts are being made to reduce the reliance on synthetic herbicides and shift to natural products. Essential oils (EOs) extracted from plants have been demonstrated to have potential herbicide activity. EOs, composed by volatile organic compounds and characterized by a strong odor, are used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries as they are thought to be safe compounds for humans, animals, and the environment. EOs extracted from Eucalyptus leaves have antimicrobial, antiviral, fungicidal, insecticida…
Soils with Gypsic horizon in southern Sicily, Italy
Phytotoxic potential of Citrus essential oils on weed species
Environmental constraints of crop production systems have stimulated interest in alternative weed management strategies. In fact, the continued use of synthetic herbicides may threaten sustainable agricultural production and result in serious ecological and environmental problems, such as the increased incidence of resistance in weeds to important herbicides and increased environmental pollution and health hazards. Public awareness and demand for environmentally safer herbicides with less persistence and less contaminating potential make searches for new weed control strategies. Citrus Essential oils are generally used in the cosmetic, medicinal, and food industries, and are thought to be s…
Effetti dell’applicazione in post emergenza degli oli essenziali di eucalipto sulle piante infestanti e sulla comunità microbica del suolo
L'uso diffuso di erbicidi sintetici ha un impatto negativo sulla salute umana e sull’ecosistema. Per il superamento di questi problemi, si stanno valutando soluzioni alternative per ridurre l’utilizzo di erbicidi sintetici. Molti studi hanno dimostrato che gli oli essenziali (EO) estratti da alcune piante hanno un'attività erbicida. Gli EO, sono costituiti da composti organici volatili e caratterizzati da un forte odore; vengono utilizzati dalle industrie cosmetiche, farmaceutiche e alimentari in quanto sono considerati composti sicuri per l’uomo, gli animali e l'ambiente. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che gli EO estratti dalle foglie di eucalipto hanno effetti antimicrobici, antivirali, f…
Greenhouse gas from moving bed based integrated fixed film activated sludge membrane bioreactors
The present paper reports the results of a nitrous oxide production investigation in a moving bed based integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) membrane bioreactor (MBR) pilot plant designed in accordance with the UCT layout for biological phosphorous removal. Samples of gas and liquid were collected in order to measure the gaseous, as well as the dissolved concentration of N2O. Furthermore, the gas flow rate from each reactor was measured and the gas flux was estimated. The results confirmed that the anoxic reactor represents the main source of nitrous oxide production. A significant production of N2O was, however, also found in the anaerobic reactor, thus indicating a probable occur…