Leena Salminen

Health and social care educators' ethical competence.

Background and purpose Educators’ ethical competence is of crucial importance for developing students’ ethical thinking. Previous studies describe educators’ ethical codes and principles. This article aims to widen the understanding of health- and social care educators’ ethical competence in relation to core values and ethos. Theoretical background and key concepts The study is based on the didactics of caring science and theoretically links the concepts ethos and competence. Methods Data material was collected from nine educational units for healthcare and social service in Finland. In total 16 semi-structured focus group interviews with 48 participants were conducted. The interviews were …

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Development and testing of an instrument (HeSoEduCo) for health and social care educators' competence in professional education

Abstract Background: Health and social care education is highly important for preparing future professionals for their future roles in sustainable health and social care. However, previous studies have emphasized that health and social care educators’ competence is complex and poorly defined. Thus, there is a clear need for a psychometrically validated instrument to enable clarification and assessment of the required skills. Objective: To develop and psychometrically validate an instrument (the HeSoEduCo) for assessing health and social care educators’ competence in higher and professional education. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: A HeSoEduCo instrument, with items inviting 1–4 Lik…

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Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien osaaminen ja sen kehittäminen

Johdanto: Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan (soteku) toimintaympäristö on jatkuvasti muuttuva ja kehittyvä. Jotta pätevien opettajien saatavuus turvataan myös tulevaisuudessa, tarvitaan jatkuvaa terveystieteiden opettajakoulutuksen uudistamista ja systemaattista sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien osaamisen kehittämistä. Tarkoitus: TerOpe-hankkeen tarkoituksena oli kehittää valtakunnalliset ja kansainvälisesti vertailukelpoiset soteku-opettajien osaamisvaatimukset, ja luoda osaamisen kehittämisen malli opettajien suunnitelmalliselle, uran aikaiselle osaamisen kehittymiselle. Lisäksi hankkeessa kehitettiin digipedagogiikan verkko-opintojakso ja digitaalinen osaamisverkosto ala…

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Social- and Health Care Educators’ Cultural Competence

Introduction and aim: Cultural differences have significant impacts on classroom behaviours and communication in teaching. The aim of this study is to explore social and healthcare educators’ cultural competence in transcultural education. Methodology: Data was collected from semi-structured focus group interviews at universities of applied sciences and vocational colleges. Inductive content analysis was used in the analysis process. Results: Educators’ cultural competence in transcultural education emerges as generic categories: transcultural education, educatorship and ethical attitudes, and underpins by the sub-categories: language and linguistics, different learning styles, integrating …

research product

Competence areas of health science teachers - A systematic review of quantitative studies.

Abstract Background In the face of rapid digitalisation and ever-higher educational requirements for healthcare professionals, it is important that health science teachers possess the relevant core competences. The education of health science teachers varies internationally and there is no consensus about the minimum qualifications and experience they require. Objective The aim of this systematic review was to describe the health science teachers' competences and the factors related to it. Design Systematic review of original quantitative studies. Data sources Four databases were selected from which to retrieve original studies: Cinahl (Ebsco), PubMed, Medic, Eri (ProQuest). Review Methods …

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Social, health care and rehabilitation educators' competence in professional education—Empirical testing of a model

The social and health care educator's role in educating future professionals need to be stronger emphasised and deserves international recognition. The purpose of this study was to develop and test an empirical model of social and health care educators' competence in higher and professional education. The presented research employed a cross-sectional study design. Data were collected using HeSoEduCo-instrument from 28 educational institutions in Finland. The model was empirically tested with confirmatory factor analysis through Structural Equation Modelling that applied the Full Imputation Maximum Likelihood estimator. A total of 422 social and health care educators participated in the stud…

research product

Qualitative study of social and healthcare educators’ perceptions of their competence in education

Competent educators are needed to ensure that social and healthcare professionals are effective and highly competent. However, there is too little evidence-based knowledge of current and required enhancements of educators' competences in this field. The aim of this study was to describe social and healthcare educators' perceptions of their competence in education. The study had a qualitative design, based on interviews with educators and rooted in critical realism. Forty-eight participants were recruited from seven universities of applied sciences and two vocational colleges in Finland, with the assistance of contact persons nominated by the institutions. The inclusion criterion for partici…

research product

Qualitative study of social and healthcare educators’ perceptions of their competence in education

Competent educators are needed to ensure that social and healthcare professionals are effective and highly competent. However, there is too little evidence‐based knowledge of current and required enhancements of educators' competences in this field. The aim of this study was to describe social and healthcare educators’ perceptions of their competence in education. The study had a qualitative design, based on interviews with educators and rooted in critical realism. Forty‐eight participants were recruited from seven universities of applied sciences and two vocational colleges in Finland, with the assistance of contact persons nominated by the institutions. The inclusion criterion for partici…

research product

Social and health care educators' perceptions of competence in digital pedagogy: A qualitative descriptive study

Abstract Background Digitalisation has made digital competence a necessity for those working in social and healthcare. A high degree of competence in digital pedagogy is required of educators to meet the challenge of educating future professionals who are themselves highly digitally competent. Objectives The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of competence in digital pedagogy that educators in social and healthcare have. Design A qualitative descriptive study. Participants The participants were Finnish-speaking social and healthcare educators (n = 37) working at six Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS). Methods Group interviews (n = 12) were conducted during spring …

research product

A Systematic Review and Metasynthesis of Qualitative Studies on the Competencies of Health and Rehabilitation Science Educators

Background. Health and rehabilitation science educators’ competence greatly influences students’ professional development in a changing world. To ensure the availability of qualified health and rehabilitation science educators in the future, there is a need for continuous reforms in this sector to develop the educators’ competence in this sector. Objective. The aim of this systematic review was to find new evidence on educators’ experiences of their competence in health and rehabilitation science higher education. Methods. The study was a systematic review of previous peer-reviewed qualitative studies. The inclusion criteria were planned according to PICo: health and rehabilitation science …

research product

Enhancing social and health care educators’ competence in digital pedagogy: A pilot study of educational intervention

The purpose of this pilot study was to explore connection of an educational intervention on the competence of health care educators and educator candidates (n=11) in digital pedagogy as a part of national TerOpe project. An educational intervention, Basics of Digital Pedagogy was developed by the TerOpe project’s experts. The participating educators and educator candidates of the educational intervention were recruited from the universities and university of applied sciences, which were involved in TerOpe project. All the participants of the educational interventions were invited to take part in this study. The educational intervention was conducted during spring 2019. Pre- and post-tests w…

research product

Health and Social Care Educators’ Competence in Digital Collaborative Learning : A Cross-Sectional Survey

The ongoing change from traditional pedagogy to digital collaborative learning requires a new mode of teaching, learning, and educators’ responsibilities. For competence in digitally mediated teaching, educators need understanding of how to provide appropriate digital environment to learn collectively and individually. The aim of this study was to describe and explore health and social care educators’ perceptions of their current level of competence in digital collaborative learning and identify distinct educators’ profiles. Data were collected via cross-sectional survey from educators in 21 universities of applied science and eight vocational colleges in Finland using an instrument coveri…

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Sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan opettajien digitaalinen osaaminen

Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata sosiaali-, terveys- ja kuntoutusalan (soteku) opettajien (n=388) digitaalista osaamista osana TerOpe-hanketta. Aineisto kerättiin DigCompEdu CheckIn Self-reflection Tool -itsearviointityökaluun perustuvalla mittarilla, joka sisälsi 21 (strukturoitua) väittämää ja yhden avoimen kysymyksen. DigCompEdu-viitekehyksen kuutta osa-aluetta (ammatillinen sitoutuminen, digitaaliset resurssit, opettaminen ja oppiminen, arviointi, oppijoiden voimaannuttaminen ja oppijoiden digitaalisen osaamisen tukeminen) käytettiin sekä määrällisen aineiston keskiarvomuuttujien muodostamisessa että laadullisen aineiston deduktiivis-induktiivisen analyysin runkona. Opet…

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Digital Learning Interventions in Higher Education: A Scoping Review.

Abstract This scoping review was undertaken to synthesize and describe research related to digital learning interventions in higher education, focusing on technological outcomes. Five electronic databases were searched, and 86 articles were included in the review. The data related to positive and negative technological outcomes and authors’ suggestions were analyzed using inductive content analysis. The articles represented six disciplines across six continents and included quantitative (n = 65), qualitative (n = 3), and mixed-methods (n = 18) intervention studies. For positive technological outcomes, digital formats of learning were considered effective and participatory forms of learning …

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