Azithromycin: Eine anti-inflammatorische Wirksamkeit im Einsatz bei der chronischen rekurrierenden multifokalen Osteomyelitis? Eine vorläufige Mitteilung
In this preliminary communication we report our experience with Azithromycin in patients with Chronic Recurring Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO). Seven out of 13 patients, mainly teenager, showed a fast clinical improvement after they were started on Azithromycin. The immediate therapeutic effect of Azithromycin in patients with CRMO was surprising and lead us to the hypothesis that Azithromycin could have an antiphlogistic in addition to it's antibiotic effect in this disease setting. In patients with reactive chronic pelvic osteomyelitis Azithromycin obviously had a direct influence on the sympathic coxitis. Half of the patients reported an immediate reduction of pain and a significant imp…