Exploring helical phases of matter in bosonic ladders
Ladder models of ultracold atoms offer a versatile platform for the experimental and theoretical study of different phenomena and phases of matter linked to the interplay between artificial gauge fields and interactions. Strongly correlated helical states are known to appear for specific ratios of the particle and magnetic flux densities and they can often be interpreted as a one-dimensional limit of fractional quantum Hall states, thus being called pretopological. Their signatures, however, are typically hard to observe due to the small gaps characterizing these states. Here we investigate bosonic ladder models at filling factor 1. Based on bosonization, renormalization group and matrix pr…
Strongly correlated states of trapped ultracold fermions in deformed Landau levels
We analyze the strongly correlated regime of a two-component trapped ultracold fermionic gas in a synthetic non-Abelian U(2) gauge potential, that consists of both a magnetic field and a homogeneous spin-orbit coupling. This gauge potential deforms the Landau levels (LLs) with respect to the Abelian case and exchanges their ordering as a function of the spin-orbit coupling. In view of experimental realizations, we show that a harmonic potential combined with a Zeeman term, gives rise to an angular momentum term, which can be used to test the stability of the correlated states obtained through interactions. We derive the Haldane pseudopotentials (HPs) describing the interspecies contact inte…
The resonant state at filling factor {\nu} = 1/2 in chiral fermionic ladders
Helical liquids have been experimentally detected in both nanowires and ultracold atomic chains as the result of strong spin-orbit interactions. In both cases the inner degrees of freedom can be considered as an additional space dimension, providing an interpretation of these systems as synthetic ladders, with artificial magnetic fluxes determined by the spin-orbit terms. In this work, we characterize the helical state which appears at filling $\nu=1/2$: this state is generated by a gap arising in the spin sector of the corresponding Luttinger liquid and it can be interpreted as the one-dimensional (1D) limit of a fractional quantum Hall state of bosonic pairs of fermions. We study its main…