Paul Meller
Properties of amphiphilic terminally substituted conjugated nonaene- and 2-docosylnonaene carboxylic acids in monolayers at the air-water interface
was a lo-' M Co(NO,), + lo-' M CH,COONa solution, with pH 7.5; the counter electrode was a Pt sheet, conveniently located in the electrochemical cell. After deposition, the electrochemical/electrochromic properties of the films were analyzed in degassed lo-' M KOH electrolyte, in a three electrode cell (Pt wire counter electrode, saturated calomel reference electrode) with optical windows. A PAR 173 potentiostat-galvanostat associated with a PAR 175 function generator was used in the electrochemical experiments. Data were recorded in a analogical X-Y (X-T) recorder. Monochromatic transmission (He-Ne laser, A = 632.8 nm) was recorded in situ, by means of a versatile optical bench; spectral t…
Specific dye adsorption at oriented monolayers
We studied the adsorption of water soluble cyanine dyes (pseudoiso-cyanine and “stains-all”) to monomolecular layers of arachidic acid at the water-air interface in a Langmuir trough. Fluorescence microscopy was employed to on-line monitor the formation of J-aggregates upon adsorption. Large two-dimensional monodomain single crystals could be grown by this self-assembly process with optical properties reminiscent of those found and extensively studied for amphiphilic derivatives of the same chromophors [12]. In addition to the necessary Coulombic interaction between subphasedye and target monolayer, we found that details of the crystal morphology also crucially depend on substrate parameter…
Homogeneous Langmuir-Blodgett Film of Double-Chain Ammonium Amphiphile Complexed with Anionic Polymer
Heterogeneous textures suggesting the coexistence of a fluid and a solid phase were found both in a surface monolayer and in a deposited Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of double-chain ammonium amphiphiles by fluorescence microscopy. Although an annealing of the surface monolayer at 40°C allowed crystal growth, the heterogeneous phase separation remained in the LB film. A drastic change of the fluorescence image shows that the recrystallization of the complexed monolayer with anionic polymers conducted the homogeneous monolayer.