Lorenzo Antonino Gianguzzi
The vascular flora of Nature Reserve “Pizzo Cane, Pizzo Trigna and Grotta Mazzamuto” (NW Sicily)
A floristic investigation was carried out in “Pizzo Cane, Pizzo Trigna and Grotta Mazzamuto” Nature Reserve, one of the largest in Sicily. In spite of the considerable botanical interest of this area, few data were available from classic and recent literature. Based on field investigations, coupled with bibliographic and herbarium researches, we have listed 951 infrageneric taxa belonging to 103 families and 446 genera. A lot of these entities are reported in this area for the first time, for others ancient records are confirmed. Life form analysis shows the dominance of therophytes (44,79%) and hemicryptophytes (27,77%). From a chorological point of view, Mediterranean elements show a grea…
Flower and fruit structure of the endangered species Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Saniculoideae, Apiaceae) and implications for its reproductive biology
Petagnaea gussonei (Apiaceae) is an endangered species endemic to the Nebrodi mountains (north-eastern Sicily). Although an increasing number of studies have been performed on this species, its reproductive biology remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate in detail the structure of the flower and the fruit of Petagnaea, and the possible implications for its breeding system and seed dispersal mechanism. Results from fieldwork, light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy suggest (1) the presence of protandrous hermaphrodite flowers; (2) geitonogamy, autogamy, and allogamy as breeding system mechanisms of P. gussonei, even if asexual reproduction is preferred b…
A phytosociological analysis of the Olea europaea L. var. sylvestris (Mill.) Lehr. forests in Sicily
This paper presents a phytosociological study on the forest vegetation of Olea europaea var. sylvestris of Sicily and of the smaller minor islands. In Sicily, Oleaster formations show considerable climacic potentiality in the bioclimactic belts between the infra- and the thermomediterranean with single edapho-climacic penetrations that are also in the mesomediterranean; however, these were largely destroyed by man in order to make room for crops. Furthermore, the residual expressions of the Oleaster forests are limited, and often exist as regenerated woodland made possible by the abandonment of agricultural land; they are often small forest nuclei–high maquis, woods and micro-woods–with a m…
Genetic structure in the paleoendemic and endangered Petagnaea gussonei (Spreng.) Rauschert (Saniculoideae, Apiaceae) and implications for its conservation
Our investigation aims to understand the genetic structure and evolutionary history of Petagnaea gussonei, an ancient and endangered species belonging to the Saniculoideae subfamily (Apiaceae). It is paleoendemic to Sicily, with a small number of populations in the Nebrodi Mountains. A total of seven chloroplast microsatellite repeat loci and 12 AFLP primer combinations were used to screen 115 individuals corresponding to 17 populations. The ratio of seed to pollen flow was also calculated using the modified Ennos equation. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was detected with AFLPs (e.g., 0.045 < H < 0.278), and a moderate variation was also found using cpSSRs (0 < Hk < 0.667). Tw…
Nomenclatural remarks on Carex sect. Sylvaticae (Cyperaceae): C. laxula and related names
Our taxonomic and nomenclatural research reveals that the name ‘Carex laxula Tineo ex Boott’ (section Sylvaticae) has not been validly published. Consequently, the oldest available name for the species is Carex paui Sennen. A lectotype for the valid name Carex sylvatica var. laxula Tineo ex Guss. is here designated.
New national and regional Annex I Habitat records: from #16 to #20
New data on the distribution of the Annex I Habitats 3120, 3260, 6310, 9180* and 92A0 are reported in this contribution. In detail, 3 new occurrences in Natura 2000 Sites are presented and 5 new cells in the EEA 10 km x 10 km Reference grid are added. The new data refer to Italy and in particular to the Administrative Regions of Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily and Umbria. This issue of the section “Habitat records” includes an Errata corrige referring to the last released issue.
Last tesserae of a fading mosaic: floristic census and forest vegetation survey at Parche di Bilello (south-western Sicily, Italy), a site needing urgent protection measures
This paper illustrates the botanic heritage of Parche di Bilello, a site located in the municipality of Castelvetrano. The study area hosts several woodland fragments dominated by Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber and Quercus ilex, respectively. According to historical data, these nuclei represent the last remnants of an open forestland which covered a much wider coastal area between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca until the end of Middle Age. Phytosociological relevés were focused on these forest nuclei, probably the most representative of south-western Sicily, which correspond to three habitats included in the 92/43 EEC Directive (9320, 9330 and 9340, respectively) and represent t…
Note corologiche e problematiche di conservazione in Sicilia su Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky subsp. appendiculata (Celak.) Moraldo (Poaceae)
Biogeographia vol. )O(X — 2011 (Pubblicato il 23 dicembre 2011) La Biogeografla della Sicilia Note corologiche e problematiche di conservazione in Sicilia su Stipa austroitalica Martinovsky subsp. appendicalata (CV:elak.) Moraldo (Poaceae) ORAZIO CALDARELLA, ALFONSO LA ROSA, LORENZO GLANGUZZI Universita dz’ Palermo, Dzpartimento dz’ Biologia Ambientale e Bz'oa'z'z/ersita‘, via Arc/Jirafi 38, 90123 Palermo (Italy) Key words: Sicily, Stipa azzstroitalica subsp. appendiculata, Poaceae, Habitats Directive. SUMMARY A survey on distribution, ecology and status of Sicilian population of Stipa au:t7'oitalica subsp. appmdiculata was carried out on the basis of literature, herbarium dat…
Multivariate analysis of sites using water invertebrates and land use as indicators of the quality of biotopes of Mediterranean relic plant (Petagnaea gussonei, Apiaceae)
Petagnaea gussonei is a rhizomatous, perennial scapose hemicryptophyte species belonging to a monospecific genus of Apiaceae. It lives only along woodland rivulets and is a Tertiary relic localized in the restricted area of the Nebrodi Mountains (NE Sicily, Italy). Ecological indicators have been employed to understand the status of eight localities (intermittent rivulets) where the species occurs. In order to evaluate both the rivulets' water-quality and landscape use, index of anthropisation (Ia), water fleas bioassay (TU), and analyses of water macroinvertebrates have been employed. The results obtained for the level of toxicity exclude the presence of macropollutants (TU < 0.001), where…
Implementation of IUCN criteria for the definition of the Red List of Ecosystems in Italy
The present work is aimed at presenting the data, methods and criteria that are being used for the assessment of ecosystem collapse risk in Italy.
Composition of the essenthial oil of Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert, a relict species from Sicily (Southern Italy).
The essential oil from leaves, stems and roots of Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert ( = Petagnia saniculifolia Guss.), endemic to the Nebrodi Mountains (Sicily, Italy), has been analysed by the gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) system on two fused-silica capillary columns of different polarities. A total of 94 components were identified. Quantitative and qualitative differences were found among the analysed parts. The principal compounds from the leaves oil were found to be (w/w%) germacrene D (19.9%), γ-muurolene (7.96%) and caryophyllene oxide (6.85%), while in the oil from stems hexadecanoic acid (23.40%), germacrene D (18.50%) and (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid (13.20%…
Notes on the distribution, ecology and conservation status of two very rare sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) rediscovered in Sicily (Italy)
New data on the geographical distribution and ecology of two rare taxa of Carex collected in the area of the Nebrodi Mountains (Sicily) are provided; the Sicilian populations of both taxa are at the border of their respective ranges, and their regional distribution is still poorly known. The new population of Carex x boenninghausiana reported here confirms the presence of this hybrid in Sicily, but at the same time it represents the only known population currently occurring in Italy; in fact, the other - so far only - known Italian population is considered extinct. The second report concerns Carex grioletii, recently considered doubtful for the Sicilian flora, whose new population here repo…
Notulae To The Italian Native Vascular Flora: 11
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes to the Italian administrative regions. A new combination in the genus Pilosella is proposed. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrigenda are provided as Suppl. material 1.
First record of Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) from the Madonie Mts., a new species of the Sicilian flora.
Abstract In this study, a first record of Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) – a new species of the Sicilian flora – from the Madonie Mts. is reported. The autochthonous and relict new population of Ribes uva-crispa L. (Grossulariaceae) is found on Mount Carbonara (Madonie Mts., North-Central Sicily), which is several hundred kilometers away from the Central Apenninic and the South Mediterranean locations of its distribution range. R. uva-crispa shows a distribution similar to other taxa extending from the Euro-Asiatic area to the mountains of North Africa with disjunct populations on the main Sicilian reliefs (Madonie and Nebrodi Mts.), testifying ancient phytogeographical connections. …
Euphorbio meuselii-Rubetum ulmifolii, a new name for a Sicilian association of brambles
Palabras clave: Nomenclatura, sintaxonomía, zarzales, Sicilia, Península Ibérica.Key words: Nomenclature, Syntaxonomy, brambles, Sicily, Iberian Peninsula.
Old sleeping Sicilian beauty: seed germination in the palaeoendemic Petagnaea gussonei (Spreng.) Rauschert (Saniculoideae, Apiaceae).
Petagnaea gussonei (Apiaceae) is a perennial herbaceous species endemic to northeast Sicily (Nebrodi Mountains). It is considered a remnant of the Sicilian Tertiary flora, and is endangered according to the Red List. There is no information in the literature about the germinability of its seeds, even though seed production is know to occur. The aim of this study was to obtain data to better understand seed germination of this species and its biological implications. Thus, several approaches were employed: vitality analyses, gibberellic acid supply, germination and soil microbial flora analyses via end-point and qPCR. The results suggest that seed germination occurs after ca. 1.5 years at a …
Aggiornamento dei subpopolamenti relitti di Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Apiaceae) nell'area dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nord-orientale)
Biogeographia vol. XXX - 2011 (Pubblicato il 23 dicembre 2011) La Biogeografia della Sicilia Aggiornamento dei subpopolamenti telitti di Petzzgmzecz gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Apiaceae) nell’area dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nord—orientale) LORENZO GLAS.NGUZZI*, AGOSTINO D’AMICO*, RENATO BONTEMPO**, SALVATORE MIGLIORE*** * Universita‘ di Palermo, Dzjmrtimento di Biologizz Ambientzzle e Biodiversitfz ** Universitci di Palermo, Dipazrtz'mem‘o 5./1. G./1. *** Cemtro Natumlistico Nebroideo “La Petzzgmz” (Longi, Messimz) Key words: Petzzgmzezz gussonei, Apiaceae, Sicily, Nebrodi Mts., Council Directive 92/43/ EEC. SUMMARY In this paper authors point out some new unpublished sites of Petzzg…
Distribution, ecology and conservation survey on theCeltis tournefortiisubsp.aetnensis(Celtidaceae: Cannabaceae) populations in Sicily
Results of research on the Celtis tournefortii subsp. aetnensis (Celtidaceae-Cannabaceae) populations in Sicily, based on the monitoring of the various nuclei distributed in the territory, are presented. In particular, two new important unpublished stations located in the southern part of the Sicani Mountains, widespread over an area of approximately 75 hectares, are reported. It is highlighted that the species, besides the lava flows of the western slope of Mount Etna (Catania province), is tied to conoids present in five other disjointed sub-ranges, often with fragmentary and relictual stations: (1) Nebrodi Mountains inland (Cesarò territory, Messina province); (2) Madonie Mountains inlan…
Phytosociological analysis of the Genista sp. pl. garrigues of the Cisto-Lavanduletea and Rosmarinetea officinalis classes in the South-Tyrrhenian area (Mediterranean Region).
The study reviews the Genista sp. pl. garrigues ascribable to the classes Cisto-Lavanduletea (acidophilous communities on volcanics and quartzarenites) and Rosmarinetea officinalis (basiphilous communities on calcareous and calcareous-dolomite substrates), in the southern territories of the Italo-Tyrrhenian Province. The floristic-synecological characterization of the identified coenoses led to the description and/or redefinition of various new syntaxa. They are distributed in the two new suballiances Calicotomo villosae–Genistenion tyrrhenae and Genisto aristatae–Calicotomenion infestae of the class Cisto- Lavanduletea (Lavanduletalia stoechadis and Calicotomo villosae–Genistion tyrrhenae)…
Distribution, ecology, vegetation and conservation survey on the relictual population ofCarex panormitanaGuss. (Cyperaceae) in Sicily (Italy)
We report the results of research on the Carex panormitana Guss. (Cyperaceae) population in Sicily, carried out within its locus classicus at the Oreto River (Palermo). The survey led to a morphological, biological and autoecological characterization, to the definition of the current distribution in the site, to an estimate of the number of individuals and to an analysis of its conservation status. The risk status was also assessed and the species was ascribed to the category Critically Endangered (CR), in accordance with the CR B1ab (ii, iii, v) and EN C1 IUCN criteria. Moreover, the phytosociological survey carried out on the meso-hygrophilous vegetation in which the species is dominant a…
Bio-ecological, phytosociological and conservation aspects of relictual and disjointed populations ofSimethis mattiazzi(Vandelli) Sacc. (Xanthorrhoeaceae) in the Channel of Sicily
Abstract Two populations of Simethis mattiazzi (Xanthorrhoeaceae) were recently discovered in the Channel of Sicily – (1) Punta Bassana (Marettimo Island) and (2) Mount S. Giuliano (western Sicily) – at a considerable distance from the nearest stations hitherto known, located in southern Sardinia, the Pontine Islands Archipelago and Tunisia. The taxonomical and distributive aspects of this species are analysed to highlight the relictual and biogeographical significance of the disjointed and fragmentary nuclei distributed in several small islands of the Channel of Sicily, the Italian Peninsula and North Africa. Some morphological, biological, ecological and phytosociological aspects of the t…
Does the genetic diversity among pubescent white oaks in southern Italy, Sicily and Sardinia islands support the current taxonomic classification?
AbstractMolecular diversity analysis of deciduous pubescent oaks was conducted for populations from Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia. The aims of this study were twofold. First, to provide data on the genetic diversity of pubescent oaks from an understudied area which currently exhibits one of the highest concentrations of pubescent oak species in Europe. Second, to verify if these groups of oaks are genetically distinct and if their identification is in accordance with the current taxonomic classification. Molecular analyses of leaf material of 480 trees from seventeen populations belonging to putatively different pubescent oak species (Quercus amplifolia,Q. congesta,Q. dalechampii,Q. ichnusa…
Contribution to the knowledge of Mediterranean wetland vegetation: Lemnetea and Potamogetonetea classes in Western Sicily
The freshwater aquatic vegetation of the Lemnetea and Potamogetonetea classes in Western Sicily was surveyed and analyzed. 85 lakes and small pools were investigated collecting 147 phytosociological unpublished relevés to integrate the very scarce available data (only 3 relevés). By applying statistical analyses on abundances data and on the bases of physiognomy and dominant species, two alliances (Lemnion minoris and Stratiotion) and four different coenoses have been identify for the Lemnetea class; while 11 associations, assigned to two orders (Potamogetonetalia pectinati and Callitricho hamulatae-Ranunculetalia aquatilis) and four alliances (Potamogetonion, Nymphaeion albae, Ranunculion …
Traditional agrosystems trajectories analysis using a vegetation science approach: the MEMOLA EU FP7 Project as a case study
The UE FP7 research project MEMOLA (Mediterranean Mountainous Landscapes: an historical approach to cultural heritage based on traditional agrosystems) aims at investigating cultural landscapes through a diachronic study of the relationship between human populations and natural resources. The project analyses from an interdisciplinary perspective the drivers and dynamics that have generated historical landscapes in four areas of Mediterranean Region (Sierra Nevada, in Spain; Colli Euganei, in Northern Italy; Monti di Trapani, in Sicily; Vjosa Valley in Albania), with a research group of ten partners. The syndynamic study of vegetation (series and geoseries) can be used as a marker to better…
A multivariate morphometric analysis of diagnostic traits in southern Italy and Sicily pubescent oaks
AbstractSpecies identification within the species complex ofQ. pubescensis a well-known taxonomic challenge among European botanists. Some of the specific pubescent oak binomials currently accepted in various European floras and checklists were originally described in Sicily and southern Calabria. As a consequence, several species belonging to the pubescent oaks group (Q. pubescens,Q. amplifolia,Q. congesta,Q. dalechampii,Q. leptobalanaandQ. virgiliana) are reported in the taxonomic and phytosociological literature. To verify whether it was possible to associate a diverse set of morphological characters with each of these different taxa, thirteen natural populations of pubescent oak from Si…
Human footprint into the woodland of Bosco della Foresta (Trapani Mountains, N-W Sicily)
The Bosco della Foresta, currently also called Bosco di Angimbè or Bosco di Calatafimi, covers 210,90 hectares and is located on a complex of hills, referred to Cozzo Terravecchia formation (Miocene), north-east of the village of Calatafimi. The first documentary mention of this woodland dates back to AD 1393 in the municipal Diploma of Graces and Privileges (Diploma di Grazie e Privilegi) granted by the Counts of Peralta to the community of Calatafimi. The Diploma enshrines the civic right to cut trees to make plows and other farming uses, and the license to the poor to fetch twigs, without touching trees if not some dry branches, during Christmas, Carnival and Easter time. Since the eight…
Distribution, ecology and conservation survey on Trifolium michelianum Savi (Fabaceae) in Sicily (Italy)
We report the identification of four residual stations for Trifolium michelianum Savi (Fabaceae) in Sicily, whereas the species was documented to be extinct at the Gorgo Cerro station (western Sicily), the only locality previously reported in the literature. In addition to an update on the distribution of the species, a survey on the new Sicilian populations led to their biological, ecological and phytosociological characterization, as well as to an assessment of the risk factors. The species, here relegated to the limit of its distribution area, occurs in particularly sensitive and vulnerable environments, such as the “Mediterranean temporary ponds”, considered “priority” by the Council Di…
Berberido aetnensis-Crataegion laciniatae, new orophilous pre-forestal alliance of the class Rhamno-Prunetea
In this paper the results of a phytosociological study carried out on some aspects of shrub vegetation of forest margins are presented, investigated in the higher belt of the Madonie Mts. (Northern-Central Sicily), referred to the order Prunetalia spinosae (Rhamno-Prunetea). Through comparison with other known coenoses in the central- southern part of the Italian Peninsula and in Sicily – especially, the associations of Berberidion vulgaris and those of Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii – a coenological and phytogeographical autonomy has been made evident and has resulted in the recognition of a new alliance, described under the name Berberido aetnensis-Crataegion laciniatae Gianguzzi et al., all. nov…
Aggiornamento della lista dei syntaxa segnalati per la Regione Sicilia (2000-2004)
The vegetation of a historic road system in the suburban area of Monte Pellegrino (Palermo, Sicily)
Knowledge of the processes by which plants colonize old structures is a key element for nature-based design both in urban and suburban contexts. This paper analyses the natural vegetation on walls and in other microhabitats of the roadway structures of Monte Pellegrino (606 m a.s.l.) near Palermo (Sicily), built in the first half of the 1900s. The historical road has particular construction and architectural features, and its characteristics have been maintained to this day. The route, approximately 16 kilometers long, is well integrated within a site of high naturalistic value which has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation (ITA020014) of the Natura 2000 network, and it is also…
Phytosociological survey vegetation map of Sicily (Mediterranean region)
ABSTRACTWe present the results of a study aimed at developing a vegetation map of Sicily (Italy) including the smaller circum-Sicilian islands, for an area of approximately 25,703 km2. The work is a synthesis of studies carried out in accordance with the survey methodology of phytosociology in the last 40 years over the whole study area. The vegetation map of Sicily was compiled in a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) environment, in order to produce a cartographic representation at a scale of 1:10,000 (reduced to a scale of 1:250,000). The physiognomic-structural characteristics of the plant landscape of Sicily are analyzed, providing a general and, at the same time, detailed overview …
Phytosociological remarks on residual woodlands of Laurus nobilis in Sicily
A phytosociological study was done of Laurus nobilis woodlands in Sicily. The analysis, based on 18 relevés, supports the definition of a new syntaxon (Acantho mollis-Lauretum nobilis ass. nov.), considered as a vicariant of similar vegetation aspects described in other Mediterranean areas (Iberian and Italian peninsulas). The study mainly includes some unpublished sites where polycormic individuals of laurel, sometimes reaching 13-15 meters in height, dominates the tree layer. This vegetation is also characterized by some laurophyllous species (Hedera helix, Rhamnus alaternus, Smilax aspera and sometimes Viburnum tinus) and lianas (Rubia peregrina var. longifolia, Asparagus acutifolius, Ta…