Salvatore Brucculeri

Uric acid and uric acid/creatinine ratio and their correlations with the hemorheological determinants in subjects with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: we have examined the concentration of serum uric acid and the serum uric acid/creatinine ratio as well as their correlations with the main determinants of the hemorheological profile in a group of subjects with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis. METHODS: we evaluated the concentration of serum uric acid and the serum uric acid/creatine ratio in 43 men and 57 women [median age 66.00 (25)] with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis, subsequently divided according to the number of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and to the insulin resistance degree. RESULTS: serum uric acid, but not the serum uric acid/creatinine ratio, results strongly influenced by the numbe…

research product

Alterazioni emoreologiche nella sindrome metabolica

La sindrome metabolica (SM) si accompagna ad un elevato rischio cardiovascolare. Oltre ai tradizionali fattori di rischio, dei quali la SM rappresenta un’aggregazione, sono identificabili fattori non tradizionali quali l’assetto emoreologico. È noto da tempo che un disordine emoreologico si accompagna alla SM, ed è ipotizzabile una sua influenza sui meccanismi che instaurano e mantengono l’insulino-resistenza. In un gruppo di pazienti con SM abbiamo osservato un incremento della viscosità ematica e plasmatica e una riduzione della filtrabilità ematica. Il rapporto vita-fianchi, indice di obesità addominale, era direttamente correlato con la viscosità ematica e con l’ematocrito, mentre la vi…

research product

Physiopathologica, epidemiologica, clinical and therapeutic aspects of exercise-associated hyponatriemia

Exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) is dilutional hyponatremia, a variant of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), characterized by a plasma concentration of sodium lower than 135 mEq/L. The prevalence of EAH is common in endurance (6 hours in duration), in which both athletes and medical providers need to be aware of risk factors, symptom presentation, and management. The development of EAH is a combination of excessive water intake, inadequate suppression of the secretion of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (due to non osmotic stimuli), long race duration, and very high or very low ambient temperatures. Additional risk factors include female gender, slower race times, and…

research product

Analysis of electrolyte abnormalities and the mechanisms leading to arrhythmias in heart failure. A literature review.

About 50% of deaths from heart failure (HF) are sudden, presumably referable to arrhythmias. Electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities are a frequent and potentially dangerous complication in HF patients. Their incidence is almost always correlated with the severity of cardiac dysfunction; furthermore leading to arrhythmias, these imbalances are associated with a poor prognosis. The frequency of ventricular ectopic beats and sudden cardiac death correlate with both plasma and whole body levels of potassium, especially in alkalemia. The early recognition of these alterations and the knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms are useful for the management of these HF patients.

research product

Chloride/sodium ratio and sodium.chloride difference inpatients with renal failure and metabolic acidosis in hemodialysis treatment

research product