Vincent Durey
Plant acclimation to high temperatures and water deficit: a comparative study determining independent and combined effects in four grain legume species
National audience; Four grain legumes species (Pea, Faba bean, Lentil and Lupin) were evaluated for their responses to high temperatures (HT) and soil water deficit (WD), applied independently or jointly. We characterized both nodulated root development and growth, as well as nodulated root performance in terms of water and N uptake. To that aim, plants inoculated with rhizobium were grown up to four weeks, corresponding to their vegetative stage, in innovative RhizoTubes© on the 4PMI high throughput phenotyping platform. Most of the traits, including overall plant performance illustrated by plant biomass, were more impacted by combined HT and WD than when these stresses were applied separa…
Effets précédents des légumineuses : fournitures et pertes d'azote liées à leurs résidus de culture : Impacts sur les rendements du blé suivant
National audience
Quantification of nitrogen fluxes and explanatory plant traits during a two year legume-cereal rotation
National audience; A better understanding of how plant growth, N nutrition and symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) are influenced by soil inorganic N availability, for a wide range of legume species, is crucial to optimise legume productivity, N2 fixation, while limiting environmental risks such as N leaching. A comparative analysis was performed for ten legume crops, grown in a field experiment and supplied with four levels of N fertiliser. Dry matter, N concentration and SNF were measured. Parallely, root traits were studied in a greenhouse experiment. For most species, inorganic N inputs had little effect on plant growth and N nutrition. SNF was negatively affected by soil inorganic N avai…
Plateforme CA-SYS : un dispositif de recherche INRA pour l'agroécologie, video Youtube
CA-SYS est une plateforme de recherche et d'expérimentation de l'INRA, collaborative, pour expérimenter l'agroécologie à différentes échelles. Projet collaboratif de l'UMR Agroécologie (INRA Bourgogne Franche-Comté) et de l'UE Domaine d'Epoisses, CA-SYS propose de tester sur 120ha une diversité de systèmes agro-écologiques en semis-direct ou avec travail du sol possible, tous sans pesticides, afin d’éprouver la pertinence de la réduction d’usage des intrants de synthèse au profit d’une valorisation des interactions biotiques au sein d’un environnement parcellaire riche en infrastructures paysagères (bandes enherbées, bandes fleuries, quelques haies, arbres isolés).
Diurnal pattern of primary metabolites exudation in legume sheds light on the major influence of root NSC and AA status
Isotopic fractionation due to N2 fixation in various grain legumes
National audience
Comparaison de l’effet de la fertilisation azotée sur la croissance et la fixation symbiotique de dix espèces de légumineuses
National audience; voir pdf
Root growth and development under heat and water stresses: a comparative study determining independent and combined effects in four grain legume species
International audience; hanks to their ability to fix atmospheric dinitrogen in symbiosis with soil bacteria, grain legumes provide a sustainable way to ensure food and nutritional security. Unfortunately, these crops are highly susceptible to environmental constraints such as heat or water stresses which leads to fluctuating yields as compared to cereals. In the context of climate change, more frequent episodes of heat stress, concomitant (or not) with water stress are expected. This emphasizes the need to identify key plant traits towards a better yield stability under stressful conditions.
Comparative effect of inorganic N on plant growth and N2 fixation of ten legume crops
International audience; [pas de résumé]