Antonio José Mira Jódar
Els diners dels jueus: activitats econòmiques d'una família hebrea al món rural valencià
La construcció d'un sistema fiscal: municipis i impost al País Valencià (segles XIII-XIV)
La financiación de las empresas mediterráneas de Alfonso el Magnánimo. Bailía General, Subsidios de Cortes y Crédito Institucional en Valencia (1419-1455)
This article studies the role of the General Bailía of Valencia—the office for the management of the royal domain resources of the kingdom of Valencia- in the political and military projects of Alfonso V the Magnanimous in the Mediterranean. In this way its also analysed the role of the Parliament, a class representation of the kingdom, and the city of Valencia, main urban centre The incomes from the royal domain, the donations from the Parliaments as a representative assemblies, and the loans provided by the city of Valencia contributed in a decisive way to the guarantee of the economic viability of Alfonso Vs military expansion. It is right that the main instruments that the king had to a…
Arrendaments i parceries. La gestió indirecta de la terra al País Valencià (segles XIV-XV)
In this article, it is studied the market of land lease in the Valentian rural society in the end of the Middle Age. Using notarial sources and court rolls, it is possible to know the economic function that exercised this forms of land management in the agrarian system. The penetration of urban capital through this kind of contracts was always limited. Far from eroding the hegemony of the small peasant farming, leases consolidated this pattern as productive basis of the feudal system.<br><br>En aquest article s'estudia el mercat de cessió de la terra a curt termini en la societat rural valenciana a les darreries de l’Edat Mitjana. A partir de fonts notarials i judicials, es pot …