R. Tonielli
Active volcano-tectonic deformations: a 3D seismic reflection experiment in the resurgent dome of the NYT Caldera (Pozzuoli Bay, Campi Flegrei, Naples)
An ultra-resolution, 3D seismic reflection data cube was collected during an oceanographic cruise organized in the frame of a joint project involving Italian research institutions, the University of Palermo, Catania and Napoli, CNR of Napoli and INGV Roma, and two companies, the Geo Marine Survey System (The Netherlands) and GeoSurvey (Portugal). The data acquisition approach charted during this cooperation was based on innovative technologies for the offshore imaging of stratigraphy and structures at continental margins with horizontal and vertical resolution at decimetric scale. In this work, we present the methodology used for the 3D HR-seismic reflection data acquisition and the prelimi…
Timing of the emergence of the Europe-Sicily bridge (40-17 cal ka BP) and its implications for the spread of modern humans
The submerged sill in the Strait of Messina, which is located today at a minimum depth of 81 m below sea level (bsl), represents the only land connection between Sicily and mainland Italy (and thus Europe) during the last lowstand when the sea level locally stood at about 126 m bsl. Today, the sea crossing to Sicily, although it is less than 4 km at the narrowest point, faces hazardous sea conditions, made famous by the myth of Scylla and Charybdis. Through a multidisciplinary research project, we document the timing and mode of emergence of this land connection during the last 40 kyr. The integrated analysis takes into consideration morphobathymetric and lithological data, and relative sea…
Perforazione della Caldera dei Campi Flegrei - Una proposta anfibia IODP-ICDP
Active calderas are major volcanic features of the Earth’s crust associated with shallow magma reservoirs, high geothermal gradients, and geodynamic unrests often documented through historical time. As large caldera-forming eruptions are also among the most catastrophic events that may affect the Earth’s surface, calderas are ostensibly the sites of major interest for both the scientific community and governmental institutions worldwide. The Campi Flegrei is an active volcanic area located west of the city of Naples, largely on the continental shelf of the Eastern Tyrrhenian margin that has been characterized by dominantly explosive eruptions during the latest Quaternary. This is one among …