Céline Tiffon
CIME: An integrative and multidisciplinary PNR-PE project on Chronic Impact of ED Mixture Exposure at environmental low doses on Reproduction, Development and Behavior
CIME: An integrative and multidisciplinary PNR-PE project on Chronic Impact of ED Mixture Exposure at environmental low doses on Reproduction, Development and Behavior. Colloque PNR-PE
Submandibular salivary glands as an endocrine disruptor target: impact of the period of gensitein/vinclozolin exposure in the Rat
Submandibular salivary glands as an endocrine disruptor target: impact of the period of gensitein/vinclozolin exposure in the Rat. Colloque PNR-PE
An integrative and multidisciplinary PNR-PE project for studying Chronic Impact of ED Mixture Exposures at environmental low doses on reproduction, development and behavior.
National audience
Hormones stéroïdiennes et sensorialité : impact des xénohormones alimentaires sur le développement des préférences gustatives et du comportement alimentaire
Rapport d'activité scientifique pour le contrat post-doctoral de C. Tiffon
Effets d’une exposition orale en Bisphenol A sur la préférence au salé et la structure de la glande sous-mandibulaire chez le rat mâle adulte
Effets d’une exposition orale en Bisphenol A sur la préférence au salé et la structure de la glande sous-mandibulaire chez le rat mâle adulte. Colloque PNR-PE
Effects of BPA and Endocrine Disruptor Mixtures on development and taste preferences in the non-exposed F2 offspring Wistar rats. CIME project
Effects of BPA and Endocrine Disruptor Mixtures on development and taste preferences in the non-exposed F2 offspring Wistar rats. CIME project. Colloque PNR-PE
Are taste preferences related to submandibular endocrine or exocrine secretions? A rodent study
National audience