R. El Fellous

Search for contact interactions in the reactionse + e −→l + l − ande + e −→γγ

Contact interactions are searched for using the differential cross sections for the reactions e + e -→ e + e -, e + e -→ µ + µ -, e + e -→ τ + τ - and e + e -→γγ measured at 12 energies around the Z peak and corresponding to about 20 pb-1 of cumulated luminosity. Four-fermion contact term models assuming various chiralities of lepton currents are fitted to the lepton data and lower limits on the energy scale Λ of such terms are set at 95% c.l. The limits vary in the range 0.9 4.7 TeV, depending on the model and on the lepton flavour. The eeγγ contact terms are searched for assuming various chiralities. Limits on the energy scale Λ between 79 and 130 GeV are extracted from the data. The resu…

research product

Measurement of the b → τ-ν̄τX branching ratio

The definitions of “anthropology” found in various dictionaries cover a whole range of terms and in this section we provide an overview of all its connotations. In this way a variety of reflections about the essence of man become possible, for instance as : summit of creation; source of his own values; specific biological reality; intelligence (but what is this, really?); knowing subject or object of knowledge; social being and product of a culture. Following these lines of thought one realises that all these preoccupations have already been taken up, or at least touched upon, by communication theory.

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Searches for the standard Higgs boson

Abstract A data sample corresponding to about 100 000 hadronic Z decays collected by ALEPH at LEP has been used to search for the standard Higgs boson produced in the reaction e + e − → H 0 Z 0∗ . No indication for any signal was found, and a 95% CL lower limit on the Higgs boson mass has been set at 41.6 GeV.

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Search for high mass photon pairs in (f= e, μ, τ, v, q) at LEP

Abstract The result of a search for high mass photon pairs from the processes e + e − → f f γγ (f = e, μ, τ, v and q) with the ALEPH detector is reported. The result for f = e , μ and τ is to be compared with the observation of 4 events by the L3 Collaboration with invariant masses, M γγ , of the two photons near 60 GeV. From a data sample approximately twice as large taken from 1990 to 1992, 6 events are found with M γγ distributed between 50 GeV and 72 GeV, while 4.9 events are expected from a QED calculation. There is no evidence for a mass peak; only one event ( μ + μ − γγ ) at M γγ = 59.4 ± 0.2 GeV is compatible with the L3 observation. In addition, for M γγ > 50 GeV, no event is found…

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Search for a new weakly interacting particle

Abstract A search for events of the type e + e − →l + l − X 0 , where X 0 can be any weakly interacting particle which couples to the Z, has been performed with the ALEPH detector at LEP, by searching for acollinear lepton pairs. Such particles can be excluded up to a mass of 7.0 GeV/c 2 for a value of the ratio of branching fractions, Br( Z →X 0 l + l − )/Br(Z→ l + l − ), greater than 2.5 × 10 −3 if the X 0 has third component of isospin, I 3 greater than 1 2 and decays to a pair of virtual gauge bosons. When this analysis is combined with the previous results of the Higgs particle searches from ALEPH, this limit can be extended to an X 0 mass of 60 GeV/c 2 .

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Measurement of the ratio using event shape variables

Abstract The branching fraction of Z → b b relative to all hadronic decays of the Z has been measured using event shape variables to preferentially select Z → b b events. The method chosen applies a combination of shape discriminators and the selection of high transverse momentum leptons to event hemispheres. From a sample of 440 000 hadronic Z decays collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the ration Γ b b Γ had = 0.228±0.005( stat. )±0.005( syst. ) is measured.

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An experimental study of γγ → hadrons at LEP

An analysis of γγ interactions has been performed using untagged hadronic data obtained by the ALEPH detector at LEP. The data show at low transverse momentum (pt) are well reproduced by a model based on the vector meson dominance mechinism (VDM). At high pt thrust the presence of hard scattering processes is demonstrated. This component is well described in shape and normalization by a QCD calculation.

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Search for a non-minimal Higgs boson produced in the reaction →

Abstract A data sample corresponding to 1.23 million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP has been searched for signals of the production of a non-minimal CP-even Higgs boson h in the reaction e + e − → hZ ∗ . The h decay modes considered were: those of the minimal standard model Higgs boson, with modified branching ratios; decays into a pair of CP-odd Higgs bosons A; and decays into invisible final states. Only one event was found, a very acoplanar e+e− pair which could originate from the standard model background process e + e − → e + e − v v . Upper limits for the cross-section of the reaction e + e − → hZ ∗ have been derived as a function of mh, the mass of the Higgs…

research product

A precise measurement of ΓZ→bb/ΓZ→hadrons

A measurement of the partial width ratio Γbb/Γhad using a method which tags the Z --> bb decays through the lif etime of the produced heavy hadrons is presented. This method relies on the tracking precision afforded by a double-sided silicon vertex detector. The tag algorithm makes a probabilistic interpretation of three-dimensional track impact parameters, using the data to measure the resolution. By tagging the two b hadrons separately, both Γbb/Γhad and the tag efficiency can be determined from the data. For a 26% efficiency of tagging a single b hadron within the vertex detector solid angle coverage, a purity of 96% is achieved. A value of Γbb/Γhad = 0.2192+/-0.0026(stat.)+/-0.0016(Γcc/…

research product

Measurement of the and B− meson lifetimes

Abstract The lifetimes of the B 0 and B − mesons have been measured with the ALEPH detector at LEP. Semileptonic decays of B 0 and B − mesons were partially reconstructed by identifying events containing a lepton with an associated D ∗+ or D 0 meson. The proper time of the B meson was estimated from the measured decay length and the momentum and mass of the D -lepton system. A fit to the proper time of 77 D ∗+ l − and 77 D 0 l − candidates, combined with a constraint on the lifetime ratio ( τ − τ 0 ) arising from the relative rates of observed D ∗+ l − and D 0 l − events, yielded the following lifetimes: τ 0 =1.52 −0.18 +0.20 ( stat. ) −0.13 +0.07 ( syst. ) ps , τ − = 1.47 −0.19 +0.22 ( sta…

research product

Search for excited neutrinos in Z decay

Excited neutrinos decaying into a neutrino and a photon are searched for in the ALEPH detector at LEP. No evidence is found for Z decay into vv∗ or v∗v∗ final states. Upper limits are derived on excited neutrino couplings up to excited neutrino masses close to the Z mass. Lower limits on the v∗ mass, independent of the v∗ decay modes, are deduced from the total Z width.

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Measurement of the strong coupling constant using τ decays

The strong coupling constant is determined from the leptonic branching ratios, the lifetime, and the invariant mass distribution of the hadronic final state of the tau lepton, using data accumulated at LEP with the ALEPH detector. The strong coupling constant measurement, alpha(s), (m(tau)2) = 0.330 +/-0.046, evolved to the Z mass, yields alpha(s)(M(Z)2) = 0. 1 18 +/- 0.005. The error includes experimental and theoretical uncertainties, the latter evaluated in the framework of the Shifman, Vainshtein and Zakharov (SVZ) approach. The method allows the non-perturbative contribution to the hadronic decay rate to be determined to be 0.3 +/- 0.5% . RI Perrier, Frederic/A-5953-2011; ANTONELLI, AN…

research product

Production and decay of charmed mesons at the Z resonance

Abstract In a sample of 190 000 hadronic Z decays, three signals of charm production are observed: two from the exclusive decays D ° → K − π + and D ∗+ → D °π + → K − π + π + and one in the transverse-momentum distribution of soft hadrons relative to the nearest jet. The features of these signals are in good agreement with expectations based on the standard model and previous measurements of the branching fractions. The number of D ∗± → K ± π ± π ± per hadronic decay of the Z is measured to be (5.11±0.34) × 10 −3 , and the branching ratio B(D 0 → K − π + ) is (3.62 ± 0.34 ± 0.44)%. Charm hadronization has been studied. The average fraction of the beam energy carried by the D ∗ meson is foun…

research product

Search for the standard model Higgs boson

Using a data sample corresponding to about 1 233 000 hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH experiment at LEP, the reaction e+e- --> HZ* has been used to search for the standard model Higgs boson, in association with missing energy when Z* --> nunuBAR, or with a pair of energetic leptons when Z* --> e+e- or mu+mu-. No signal was found and, at the 95% confidence level, m(H) exceeds 58.4 GeV/c2. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Buttar, Craig/D-3706-2011; Stahl, Achim/E-8846-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Richard/C-8997-2012; Forti, Francesco/H-3035-2011; Ferrante, Isidoro/F-1017-2012

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Measurement of the B hadron lifetime

The average lifetime of B hadrons has been measured by the ALEPH experiment at LEP. Events containing B hadrons are selected by the identification of leptons with high transverse momentum in hadronic Z decays, and the lifetime is extracted from a fit to the impact parameter distribution of the lepton tracks. From a sample of 1.7×105 hadronic Z decays a lifetime of 1.29±0.06±0.10 ps is measured.

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Measurement of B- mixing at the Z

Abstract From more than 175 000 hadronic Z decays observed with the ALEPH detector at LEP, we select 823 events with pairs of leptons in the final state. From these we measure χ , the probability thata b hadron which is observed to decay originated as a b hadron. We find χ =0.132 −0.026 +0.027 .

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Measurement of the strong coupling constant alfa_s from global event-shape variables of hadronic Z decays

Abstract An analysis of global event-shape variables has been carried out for the reaction e+e−→Z0→hadrons to measure the strong coupling constant αs. This study is based on 52 720 hadronic events obtained in 1989/90 with the ALEPH detector at the LEP collider at energies near the peak of the Z-resonance. In order to determine αs, second order QCD predictions modified by effects of perturbative higher orders and hadronization were fitted to the experimental distributions of event-shape variables. From a detailed analysis of the theoretical uncertainties we find that this approach is best justified for the differential two-jet rate, from which we obtain αs(MZ2) = 0.121 ± 0.002(stat.)±0.003(s…

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