Lucia Smeraldi
Distinct subsets of intrathyroidal regulatory CD4+CD25+ and CD8+CD25+ T cells in Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Potential role in the neoplastic cell growth.
Changes in lipid profile and adipokine levels in GH deficient children during GH replacement therapy.
Detection of BRAFv600E mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma using real time allele-specific amplification on fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens.
Co-presence of BRAFv600E mutation and ret/ptc3 rearrangement in a patient affected by hyperthyroidism and histologic diagnosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma.
No association between BRAFV660E and metalloproteinase activity in anaplastic thyroid cell lines
Detection of BRAFV600 mutation in papillary thyroid carcinoma using real time allele-specific amplification on fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens
Variabili cliniche nella casistica del policlinico di Palermo nell’ambito del registro dei tumori della tiroide in Sicilia: Età, sesso, autoimmunità, tipo, dimensionilesionali e coinvolgimento delle stazioni linfonodali della tiroide
Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNAB) Molecular Analysis for the Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma through BRAFv600E mutation and RET/PTC rearrangement
Objective: To evaluate BRAFV600E mutation on consecutive fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) specimens in order to assess FNAB’s usefulness in preoperative papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) diagnosis with the contemporaneous analysis of RET=PTC1 and RET=PTC3 rearrangements obtained from ex vivo thyroid nodules. Design: Thyroid FNABs from 156 subjects with nodules and 49 corresponding surgical samples were examined for the presence of BRAF mutation by real-time allele-specific polymerase chain reaction, confirmed with the use of a laser pressure catapulting system. Samples were also examined for RET=PTC rearrangements. The results were compared with the cytological diagnosis and histopathol…