Antonino Cacioppo

Nf-k B as target of Pharmacological Treatment

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Periodontal Alteration of the Microcirculation and Hypercholesterolemia: A Possible Correlation?

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the morphological and parametric characteristics of the periodontal microcirculation in patients diagnosed as having hypercholesterolemia and high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). METHODS: Forty patients were recruited, 20 of whom were affected by hypercholesterolemia and 20 of whom were considered healthy. A videocapillaroscopic examination was carried out on the periodontal mucosa in the proximity of the frenulum (II, V sextant). RESULTS: The difference between the parameters of the hypercholesterolemia group and the control group was evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U-test for non-parametric ordinal data; the level of significance being P < 0.05. The videoc…

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Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate “in vivo” the oral microcirculatory characteristics in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and to discover any differences in microcirculation in comparison with healthy patients. Study design. Twenty patients with established diagnosis of OLP and 20 healthy patients were examined in our laboratory by means of contact optical probe videocapillaroscopy. The examined areas for each patient were the right and the left buccal mucosae. Capillary density and total capillary diameter, as well as afferent and efferent loop diameter were studied; the discovery of characteristic (tortuous, branched) loops was also investigated. Results. The results …

research product

Changes of oral microcirculation in chemotherapy patients: A possible correlation with mucositis?

The aim of this investigation is to appraise labial oral microcirculation in chemotherapy patients to clarify the effects of cytotoxic agents on oral microvessels. Twenty-five patients with diagnosis of head and neck tumors were recruited in the study. All the patients were submitted to chemotherapy. Labial oral microcirculation was evaluated on labial mucosa using oral videocapillaroscopy. The statistical significance was checked with the Mann–Whitney U-test (P < 0.05). The analysis of videocapillaroscopic patterns showed statistically significant variations relative to the diameter of the incoming loop; the diameter of the outgoing loop; and loop tortuosity. This study shows that capillar…

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Hodgkin`s Disease and its Oral Manifestations

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Oral candidiasis and oral hyperplastic candidiasis: clinical presentation

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A non-parametric segmentation methodology for oral videocapillaroscopic images

We aim to describe a new non-parametric methodology to support the clinician during the diagnostic process of oral videocapillaroscopy to evaluate peripheral microcirculation. Our methodology, mainly based on wavelet analysis and mathematical morphology to preprocess the images, segments them by minimizing the within-class luminosity variance of both capillaries and background. Experiments were carried out on a set of real microphotographs to validate this approach versus handmade segmentations provided by physicians. By using a leave-one-patient-out approach, we pointed out that our methodology is robust, according to precision-recall criteria (average precision and recall are equal to 0.9…

research product

Periodontal microcirculation in diabetics: An in vivo non-invasive analysis by means of videocapillaroscopy

Summary Background Diabetes mellitus is today considered a society-wide disease of a chronic/degenerative nature. Among the secondary effects of diabetes, the one that interests the dental surgeon most is diabetic parodontopathy. The aim of this study was to underline and objectify microcirculatory variations at a periodontal mucous level in type 2 diabetics. Material/Methods The study enrolled 80 subjects: 40 subjects with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type II (18 males and 22 females, between 44 and 85 years of age); and 40 healthy subjects (17 males and 23 females, between 44 and 78 years of age). All the subjects, both diabetic and healthy, were submitted to a videocapillaroscopic ex…

research product

Studio morfologico del microcircolo orale nel paziente diabetico.

research product

Flow evaluation of red blood cells in capillaroscopic videos

We aim at describing a non-parametric approach to evaluate blood cells velocity in oral capillascopic videos. The proposed methodology is based on the application of standard optical flow algorithms and it is part of a general environment to support during the diagnostic process for evaluating peripheral microcirculation in real time. We validated our approach versus handmade measurements provided by physicians. Results on real data pointed out that our system returns an output coherent to these latter observations.

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Il moderno approccio alla diagnostica radiografica per immagini in odontoiatria

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Anatomical evaluation of oral microcirculation: capillary characteristics associated with sex or age group.

Abstract Background There are various types of oral mucosa specific to different parts of the mouth and each of these has a unique histological structure. The variations in the epithelial structure are consistently related to observable differences in the underlying microcirculation: i.e. differences in the course, conformation, and density of capillaries. The aim of this research has been to investigate oral microcirculatory differences between men and women as well as between various age groups, in order to map the oral mucosa, and to highlight changes occurring during aging. Methods A total of 45 healthy subjects were enrolled for this study (12 men and 33 women; mean age 60.37; range 30…

research product

Erratum to “Anatomical evaluation of oral microcirculation: Capillary characteristics associated with sex or age group” [Ann. Anat. 191(4) (2009) 371–378]

research product

Evaluation of the serum levels of retinol in patients affected by leukoplakia and oral lichen planus: a statistical analysis.

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Patologie della mucosa orale

Un contributo innovativo allo studio di una disciplina odontoiatrica in continua evoluzione. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire al lettore, sia esso studente o professionista, una guida chiara del management diagnostico e terapeutico di patologie spesso multidisciplinari o sulle quali verte il rischio di trasformazione neoplastica. Frutto di anni di esperienza clinica, il testo intende dare un apporto alla formazione di un odontoiatra e di un medico attento e consapevole, ed erudire chiunque si accosti all’avvincente e complesso campo delle patologie della mucosa orale. Pietro Messina è professore ordinario dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Le discipline mediche di suo principale interes…

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