Emiliano Pipitone
A Study on the Use of Combustion Phase Indicators for MBT Spark Timing on a Bi-Fuel Engine
The performance of a spark ignition engine strongly depends on the phase of the combustion process with respect to piston motion, and hence on the spark advance; this fundamental parameter is actually controlled in open-loop by means of maps drawn up on the test bench and stored in the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). Bi-fuel engines (e.g. running either on gasoline or on natural gas) require a double mapping process in order to obtain a spark timing map for each of the fuels. This map based open-loop control however does not assure to run the engine always with the best spark timing, which can be influenced by many factors, like ambient condition of pressure, temperature and humidity, fuel p…
Reliable TDC position determination: a comparison of different thermodynamic methods through experimental data and simulations
It is known to internal combustion researcher that the correct determination of the crank position when the piston is at Top Dead Centre (TDC) is very important, since an error of 1 crank angle degree (CAD) can cause up to a 10% evaluation error on indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and a 25% error on the heat released by the combustion: the TDC position should be then known within a precision of 0.1 CAD. This task can be accomplished by means of a dedicated capacitive sensor, which allows a measurement within the required 0.1 degrees precision. Such a sensor has a substantial cost and its use is not really fast; a different approach can be followed using a thermodynamic method, whose…
The closed-loop control of internal combustion engine spark timing may be accomplished by means of a combustion phase indicator, i.e., a parameter, derived from in-cylinder pressure analysis, whose variation is mainly referable to combustion phase shift and assumes a fixed reference value under optimal spark timing operation. The aim of the present work is a comparison between different combustion phase indicators, focusing on the performance attainable by a feedback spark timing control, which uses the indicator as pilot variable. An extensive experimental investigation has been carried out, verifying the relationship between indicators’ optimal values and the main engine running parameter…
Modello termodinamico per la previsione delle prestazioni di motori alimentati a CNG
Knock Resistance Increase through the Addition of Natural Gas or LPG to Gasoline: An Experimental Study
Bi-fuel spark ignition engines, nowadays widely spread, are usually equipped with two independent injection systems, in order run the engine either with gasoline or with gaseous fuel, which can be Natural Gas (NG) or Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). These gases, besides lower cost and environmental impact, are also characterized by a higher knock resistance with respect to gasoline that allows to adopt a stoichiometric proportion with air also at full load. Gasoline, on the other hand, being injected as liquid, maintains higher volumetric efficiency and hence higher power output. As a compromise solution, it could be desired to exploit the advantages of both gasoline and gas (NG or LPG), thus…
A Simulation Study Assessing the Viability of Shifting the Location of Peak In-Cylinder Pressure in Motored Experiments
Hybrid powertrains utilize an engine to benefit from the power density of the liquid fuel to extend the range of the vehicle. On the other hand, the electric machine is used for; transient operation, for very low loads and where legislation prohibits any gaseous and particulate emissions. Consequently, the operating points of an engine nowadays shifted from its conventional, broad range of speed and load to a narrower operating range of high thermal efficiency. This requires a departure from conventional engine architecture, meaning that analytical models used to predict the behavior of the engines early in the design cycle are no longer always applicable. Friction models are an example of …
A Life Cycle Environmental Impact Comparison between Traditional, Hybrid, and Electric Vehicles in the European Context
Global warming (GW) and urban pollution focused a great interest on hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as cleaner alternatives to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). The environmental impact related to the use of both ICEV and HEV mainly depends on the fossil fuel used by the thermal engines, while, in the case of the BEV, depends on the energy sources employed to produce electricity. Moreover, the production phase of each vehicle may also have a relevant environmental impact, due to the manufacturing processes and the materials employed. Starting from these considerations, the authors carried out a fair comparison of the environmental …
Detailed Combustion Analysis of a Supercharged Double-Fueled Spark Ignition Engine
The main goal of researches in the field of automotive engineering is to obtain a large-scale implementation of low- or zero-emissions vehicles in order to substantially reduce air pollution in urban areas. A fundamental step toward this green transition is represented by the improvement of current internal combustion (IC) engines in terms of fuel economy and pollutant emissions. The spark ignition (SI) engines of modern light-duty vehicles are supercharged, down-sized, and equipped with direct injection. Gaseous fuels, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (NG), proved to be a valid alternative to gasoline in order to reduce pollutant emissions and increase fuel economy. In …
Abstract In-cylinder pressure analysis is nowadays an indispensable tool in internal combustion engine research & development. It allows the measure of some important performance related parameters, such as indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), mean friction pressure, indicated fuel consumption, heat release rate, mass fraction burned, etc. Moreover, future automotive engine will probably be equipped with in-cylinder pressure sensors for continuous combustion monitoring and control, in order to fulfil the more and more strict emission limits. For these reasons, in-cylinder pressure analysis must be carried out with maximum accuracy, in order to minimize the effects of its characteristic…
Performances improvement of a S.I. CNG bi-fuel engine by means of double-fuel injection
Natural gas represents today a promising alternative to conventional fuels for road vehicles propulsion, since it is characterized by a relatively low cost, better geopolitical distribution than oil, and lower environmental impact. This explains the current spreading of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuelled S. I. engine, above all in the bi-fuel version, i.e. capable to run either with gasoline or with natural gas. This characteristic, on the one hand, permits the vehicle to go even when natural gas is not available, on the other hand requires the engine to be designed to run safely with gasoline, i.e. with compression ratio lower than what natural gas would allow. Moreover the electronic co…
Extended Validation of Dynamic Irreversible Thermoporation: A Novel Thermal Process for Microbial Inactivation
A novel thermal treatment for microorganism inactivation, characterized by a very rapid temperature increase (up to 30°C/s) and a low final temperature (up to 65°C) maintained for a relatively short holding time, has been recently presented and tested by the authors, showing microbial load reduction greater than 5 log units against several common bacteria and yeasts. With the aim of extending the possible use of the new thermal treatment to a wider microorganisms class, in this work the dynamic irreversible thermoporation (DIT) treatment was further tested on a well-known thermoresistant strain, the Enterococcus hirae: The results of these new experimental tests confirmed the reliability of…
Experimental Investigation on the Use of Argon to Improve FMEP Determination through Motoring Method
In the ever increasing challenge of developing more efficient and less polluting engines, friction reduction is of significant importance and its investigation needs an accurate and reliable measurement technique. The Pressurized Motoring method is one of the techniques used for both friction and heat transfer measurements in internal combustion engines. This method is able to simulate mechanical loading on the engine components similar to the fired conditions. It also allows measurement of friction mean effective pressure (FMEP) with a much smaller uncertainty as opposed to that achieved from a typical firing setup. Despite its advantages, the FMEP measurements obtained by this method are …
Analysis of the Combustion Process in a Hydrogen-Fueled CFR Engine
Green hydrogen, produced using renewable energy, is nowadays one of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels for reducing pollutant emissions and in turn global warming. In particular, the use of hydrogen as fuel for internal combustion engines has been widely analyzed over the past few years. In this paper, the authors show the results of some experimental tests performed on a hydrogen-fueled CFR (Cooperative Fuel Research) engine, with particular reference to the combustion. Both the air/fuel (A/F) ratio and the engine compression ratio (CR) were varied in order to evaluate the influence of the two parameters on the combustion process. The combustion duration was divided in two par…
Experimental model-based linearization of a S.I. engine gas injector flow chart:
Experimental tests previously executed by the authors on the simultaneous combustion of gasoline and gaseous fuel in a spark ignition engine revealed the presence of strong nonlinearities in the lower part of the gas injector flow chart. These nonlinearities arise via the injector outflow area variation caused by the needle impacts and bounces during the transient phenomena that take place in the opening and closing phases of the injector and may seriously compromise the air-fuel mixture quality control for the lower injection times, thus increasing both fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Despite the extensive literature about the operation and modelling of fuel injectors, there are …
Supercharging the Double-Fueled Spark Ignition Engine: Performance and Efficiency
Internal combustion engine development focuses mainly on two aspects: fuel economy improvement and pollutant emissions reduction. As a consequence, light duty spark ignition (SI) engines have become smaller, supercharged, and equipped with direct injection and advanced valve train control systems. The use of alternative fuels, such as natural gas (NG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), thanks to their lower cost and environmental impact, widely spread in the automotive market, above all in bifuel vehicles, whose spark ignited engines may run either with gasoline or with gaseous fuel. The authors in previous works experimentally tested the strong engine efficiency increment and pollutant emi…
Model-based optimization of injection strategies for SI engine gas injectors
A mathematical model for the prediction of the mass injected by a gaseous fuel solenoid injector for spark ignition (SI) engines has been realized and validated through experimental data by the authors in a recent work [1]. The gas injector has been studied with particular reference to the complex needle motion during the opening and closing phases. Such motion may significantly affect the amount of injected fuel. When the injector nozzle is fully open, the mass flow depends only on the upstream fluid pressure and temperature. This phenomenon creates a linear relationship between the injected fuel mass and the injection time (i.e. the duration of the injection pulse), thus enabling efficien…
Proportional Integral Spark-Timing Control by Means of In-Cylinder Pressure Analysis
Experimental Evaluation of a New Thermal Process for Microorganisms Inactivation
A new thermal process for the inactivation of microorganisms in beverages has been studied and is presented in this paper. The treatment, not yet studied in the scientific literature, mainly consists of a thermal shock characterized by temperature increases up to 30°C/s, with final temperatures up to 65°C. This study presents the first experimental results obtained by the application of the new thermal treatment, with different combinations of the process parameters (rate of temperature rise, final temperature and holding time), on separate suspensions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria innocua and Candida albicans. The required rapid temperature in…
Calibration of a knock prediction model for the combustion of a gasoline-natural gas mixture
Gaseous fuels, such as Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Natural Gas (NG), thank to their good mixing capabilities, allow complete and cleaner combustion than normal gasoline, resulting in lower pollutant emissions and particulate matter. Moreover natural gas, which is mainly constituted by methane, whose molecule has the highest hydrogen/carbon ratio, leads also to lower ozone depleting emissions. The authors in a previous work (1) experienced the simultaneous combustion of gasoline and natural gas in a bi-fuel S.I. engine, exploiting so the high knock resistance of methane to run the engine with an ‘overall stoichiometric’ mixture (thus lowering fuel consumption and emissions) and better …
A Comprehensive Model for the Auto-Ignition Prediction in Spark Ignition Engines Fueled With Mixtures of Gasoline and Methane-Based Fuel
The introduction of natural gas (NG) in the road transport market is proceeding through bifuel vehicles, which, endowed of a double-injection system, can run either with gasoline or with NG. A third possibility is the simultaneous combustion of NG and gasoline, called double-fuel (DF) combustion: the addition of methane to gasoline allows to run the engine with stoichiometric air even at full load, without knocking phenomena, increasing engine efficiency of about 26% and cutting pollutant emissions by 90%. The introduction of DF combustion into series production vehicles requires, however, proper engine calibration (i.e., determination of DF injection and spark timing maps), a process which…
An experimental investigation on the long-term compatibility of preheated crude palm oil in a large compression ignition diesel engine
An experimental study was carried out on a large stationary compression ignition engine to evaluate the long-term compatibility and durability issues associated with the use of crude palm oil as fuel. Two different preheating temperatures (60 and 80 °C) were adopted to assess the potential improvements related to lower fuel viscosity. The results obtained, in terms of in-cylinder carbon deposits and engine wear, were compared with the results obtained using ordinary diesel fuel. For each fuel and preheating temperature, the engine was operated for 300 consecutive h, during which several engine lubricant samples were collected and analysed to determine soot and fuel contaminations, viscosity…
Experimental Determination of Liquefied Petroleum Gas–Gasoline Mixtures Knock Resistance
The results of previous experimental researches showed that great advantages can be achieved, both in terms of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, in bifuel vehicles by means of the double-fuel combustion, i.e., the simultaneous combustion of gasoline and a gaseous fuel, such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas (NG). The substantial increase in knock resistance pursued by adding LPG to gasoline, which allowed to maintain an overall stoichiometric proportion with air also at full load, is not documented in the scientific literature and induced the authors to perform a proper experimental campaign. The motor octane number (MON) of LPG–gasoline mixtures has been hence determi…
An NTC zone compliant knock onset prediction model for spark ignition engines
Abstract Pollutant emissions reduction and energy saving policies increased the production of Spark Ignition (SI) engines operated with gaseous fuels. Natural Gas (NG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), thanks to their low cost and low environmental impact represent the best alternative. Bi-fuel engines, which may run either with gasoline or with gas (NG or LPG), widely spread in many countries thanks to their versatility, high efficiency and low pollutant emissions: gas fueled vehicles, as example, are allowed to run in many limited traffic zones. In the last years, supercharged SI engines fueled with either gasoline or gaseous fuel, spread in the market. Thermodynamic simulations, widely …
Modello dinamico di iniettore di gas per motore ad accensione comandata
Nel presente lavoro si studia la complessa dinamica dell’otturatore di un iniettore di gas a solenoide per motori ad accensione comandata; come è noto, esso è sottoposto a spinte di diversa natura ed il suo moto ha un influenza determinante nei confronti della massa di combustibile erogata, la quale viene di norma modulata intervenendo sulla durata dell’intervallo di eccitazione del solenoide, chiamato “tempo di iniezione”. Ad otturatore completamente aperto, la massa di gas che attraversa la sezione di uscita dell’iniettore dipende esclusivamente dalle condizioni del fluido a monte dell’iniettore e dalla durata del tempo di iniezione: ciò rende lineare la caratteristica di funzionamento de…
“Determinazione analitica della fasatura ottima di combustione in motori ad accensione comandata” 63° Congresso Nazionale ATI, Palermo Sett. 2008
Realistic Steady State Performance of an Electric Turbo-Compound Engine for Hybrid Propulsion System
The efficiency of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) may be substantially increased if the unexpanded exhaust gas energy is efficiently recovered and employed for vehicle propulsion. This can be accomplished employing a properly designed exhaust gas turbine connected to a suitable generator whose output electric energy is stored in the vehicle storage system; a new hybrid propulsion system is hence delineated, where the power delivered by the main engine is combined to the power produced by the exhaust gas turbogenerator: previous studies, carried out under some simplifying assumptions, showed potential vehicle efficiency increments up to 15% with respect to a traditional turbocharged engine. …
A regenerative braking system for internal combustion engine vehicles using supercapacitors as energy storage elements - Part 2: Simulation results
Abstract In this two-part work, an electric kinetic energy recovery system (e-KERS) for internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) is presented and its performance evaluated through numerical simulations. The KERS proposed is based on the use of a supercapacitor as energy storage, interfaced to a brushless machine through a properly designed power converter. In Part 1, the system is described and analysed, and the mathematical model used for the simulations is presented. For each component of the KERS, the real efficiency and the power or energy limitations are adequately considered. In Part 2, the energetic and economic advantages attainable by the proposed KERS are evaluated using MATLAB S…
An analytical approach for the evaluation of the optimal combustion phase in spark ignition engines
It is well known that the spark advance is one of the most important parameters influencing the efficiency of a spark ignition engine. A change in this parameter causes a shift in the combustion phase, whose optimal position, with respect to the piston motion, implies the maximum brake mean effective pressure for given operative conditions. The best spark timing is usually estimated by means of experimental trials on the engine test bed or by means of thermodynamic simulations of the engine cycle. In this work, instead, the authors developed, under some simplifying hypothesis, an original theoretical formulation for the estimation of the optimal combustion phase. The most significant parame…
An Effective Method to Model the Combustion Process in Spark Ignition Engines
A numerical simulation is a fundamental tool in the design and optimization procedure of an Internal Combustion (IC) engine; since combustion is the process that mostly influences the engine performance, efficiency and emissions, an effective combustion submodel is fundamental. A simple, nonpredictive way to simulate the combustion evolution is to implement a mathematical function that reproduces the mass fraction burned (MFB) profile that is characterized by a sigmoidal trend; the most used for this purpose is the Wiebe function. In this article the authors propose a different mathematical model, a Dose-Response (DR) type function that shows some benefits when compared to the Wiebe functio…
Hybrid Propulsion Efficiency Increment through Exhaust Energy Recovery—Part 1: Radial Turbine Modelling and Design
The efficiency of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) may be substantially increased if the energy of the exhaust gases, which do not complete the expansion inside the cylinder of the internal combustion engine, is efficiently recovered by means of a properly designed turbogenerator and employed for vehicle propulsion; previous studies, carried out by the same authors of this work, showed a potential hybrid vehicle fuel efficiency increment up to 15% by employing a 20 kW turbine on a 100 HP rated power thermal unit. The innovative thermal unit here proposed is composed of a supercharged engine endowed with a properly designed turbogenerator, which comprises two fundamental elements: an exhaust …
Development of a low-cost piezo film-based knock sensor
It is well known that spark advance is a key parameter in spark ignition engine management. Increasing fuel cost and emission regulation strictness require a higher engine efficiency, which can be improved by an accurate regulation of the spark advance. Under high load conditions, an optimal spark advance choice leads the engine to run next to the knock limit, so the management and control system needs to be equipped with a knock sensor in order to preserve the engine from damage. The authors developed a low-cost knock sensor whose sensing element is a thin washer of polyvinylidine fluoride (PVDF), a fluoropolymer characterized by a great piezoelectric e ect if polarized. The sensor has be…
Regolazione in retroazione dell’anticipo d’accensione mediante analisi della pressione all’interno del cilindro
Further Experiments on the Effect of Bulk In-Cylinder Temperature in the Pressurized Motoring Setup Using Argon Mixtures
Mechanical friction and heat transfer in internal combustion engines have long been studied through both experimental and numerical simulation. This publication presents a continuation study on a Pressurized Motoring setup, which was presented in SAE paper 2018-01-0121 and found to offer robust measurements at relatively low investment and running cost. Apart from the limitation that the peak in-cylinder pressure occurs around 1 DegCA BTDC, the pressurized motoring method is often criticized on the fact that the gas temperatures in motoring are much lower than that in fired engines, hence might reflect in a different FMEP measurement. In the work presented in SAE paper 2019-01-0930, Argon w…
In-Cylinder Heat Transfer Determination Using Impulse Response Method with a Two-Dimensional Characterization of the Eroding Surface Thermocouple
Heat transfer from the cylinder of internal combustion engines has been studied for decades, both in motored and fired configurations. Its understanding remains fundamental to the optimization of engine structures and sub-systems due to its direct effect on reliability, thermal efficiency and gaseous emissions. Experimental measurements are usually conducted using fast response surface thermometers, which give the instantaneous cylinder surface temperature. The transient component of heat flux through the cylinder wall was traditionally obtained from a spectral analysis of the surface temperature fluctuation, whereas the steady-state component was obtained from Fourier's law of conduction. …
In questo articolo sono descritte le attività di ricerca e sviluppo di una micro-turbina idraulica inserita all’interno di un macchinario che opera un nuovo processo di abbattimento della carica batterica applicabile nell’industria dell’imbottigliamento delle bevande. Peculiarità della turbina progettata è la geometria della palettatura della girante, dritta ed a sviluppo puramente assiale, che ne rende estremamente economica la realizzazione. Lo scambio di energia avviene grazie al moto vorticoso impresso al fluido (swirl) mediante opportuno posizionamento dei condotti di adduzione. Lo studio della turbina è stato condotto mediante classico approccio unidimensionale, mentre il dimensioname…
Steady State Performance of Spark Ignition Engine with Exhaust Energy Recovery
As is known, internal combustion engines based on Otto or Diesel cycles cannot complete the expansion process of the gas inside the cylinder, thus losing a relevant energy content, in the order of 30% of total. The residual energy of the unexpanded gas has been partially exploited through the use of an exhaust gas turbine for turbocharging the internal combustion engine; further attempts have been made with several compound solutions, with an electric generator connected to the turbocharger allowing to convert into electrical energy the quota power produced by the turbine which is not used by the compressor, or with a second turbine downstream the first to increase the exhaust gas energy re…
Efficiency advantages of the separated electric compound propulsion system for CNG hybrid vehicles
As is widely known, internal combustion engines are not able to complete the expansion process of the gas inside the cylinder, causing theoretical energy losses in the order of 20%. Several systems and methods have been proposed and implemented to recover the unexpanded gas energy, such as turbocharging, which partially exploits this energy to compress the fresh intake charge, or turbo-mechanical and turbo-electrical compounding, where the amount of unexpanded gas energy not used by the compressor is dedicated to propulsion or is transformed into electric energy. In all of these cases, however, maximum efficiency improvements between 4% and 9% have been achieved. In this work, the authors d…
Confronto sperimentale tra metodi termodinamici per la determinazione della posizione del punto morto superiore
Valutazione della posizione del picco di pressione in camera di combustione mediante analisi della velocità angolare
An experimental investigation on two different methods for swirl induction in a multivalve engine
This paper describes an experimental investigation aimed at comparing the swirl effect induced by unbalancing the mass flow through the two intake ports of a multivalve engine head using two different methods: the first one reduced the curtain area of one of the intake valves [different lifts (DL) method]; the second one adopted a sluice-gate-shaped valve, installed upstream of the intake valves [swirl control valve (SCV) method] in order to cause a pressure drop. A steady-flow test rig (equipped with instrumentation for the discharge coefficient and swirl intensity measurement) was realized in order to compare and evaluate the results of both methods and determine their respective validit…
Performance and combustion analysis of a supercharged double-fuel spark ignition engine
In order to increase fuel economy and reduce pollutant emissions in the last decades light duty spark ignition (SI) engines have become smaller, supercharged and equipped with direct injection. A suitable alternative to oil derived fuel is represented by gaseous fuels, such as Natural Gas (NG) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), whose higher knock resistance and better mixing capabilities substantially improve vehicle fuel economy and pollutant emissions. The simultaneous combustion of gasoline and gaseous fuel (Double-Fuel operation, DF) in a naturally aspirated SI engine has already been investigated in the past also by the same authors, proving remarkable results in terms of engine effici…
Experimental Evaluation of a New Thermal Process for Microorganisms Inactivation
A new thermal process for the inactivation of microorganisms in beverages has been studied and is presented in this paper. The treatment, not yet studied in the scientific literature, mainly consists of a thermal shock characterized by temperature increases up to 30°C/s, with final temperatures up to 65°C. This study presents the first experimental results obtained by the application of the new thermal treatment, with different combinations of the process parameters (rate of temperature rise, final temperature and holding time), on separate suspensions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria innocua and Candida albicans. The required rapid temperature in…
A regenerative braking system for internal combustion engine vehicles using supercapacitors as energy storage elements - Part 1: System analysis and modelling
Abstract In this two-part work, an electric kinetic energy recovery system (e-KERS) for internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) is presented, and its performance evaluated through numerical simulations. The KERS proposed is based on the use of a supercapacitor as energy storage, interfaced to a brushless machine through a properly designed power converter. In part 1, the system is described and analysed, and the mathematical model used for the simulations is presented. For each component of the KERS, the real efficiency, and the power or energy limitations are adequately considered. In part 2, the energetic and economic advantages attainable by the proposed KERS are evaluated using MATLAB…
Simulation Study on the Use of Argon Mixtures in the Pressurized Motored Engine for Friction Determination
Mechanical friction and heat transfer in internal combustion engines are two highly researched topics, due to their importance on the mechanical and thermal efficiencies of the engine. Despite the research efforts that were done throughout the years on both these subjects, engine modeling is still somewhat limited by the use of sub-models which do not fully represent the phenomena happening in the engine. Developing new models require experimental data which is accurate, repeatable and which covers wide range of operation. In SAE 2018-01-0121, the conventional pressurized motored method was investigated and compared with other friction determination methods. The pressurized motored method p…
Hybrid Propulsion Efficiency Increment through Exhaust Energy Recovery—Part 2: Numerical Simulation Results
The efficiency of hybrid electric vehicles may be substantially increased if the energy of exhaust gases, which do not complete the expansion inside the cylinder of the internal combustion engine, is efficiently recovered using a properly designed turbo-generator and employed for vehicle propulsion. Previous studies, carried out by the same authors of this work, showed a potential hybrid vehicle fuel efficiency increment up to 15% employing a 20 kW turbine on a 100 HP-rated power thermal unit. The innovative thermal unit proposed here is composed of a supercharged engine endowed with a properly designed turbo-generator, which comprises two fundamental elements: an exhaust gas turbine expres…
Further Experimental Investigation of Motored Engine Friction Using Shunt Pipe Method
Mechanical friction is a significant power dissipater in the internal combustion engine. In the effort of designing more efficient and less pollutant engines, friction reduction is certainly on the agenda to be investigated. Such investigation cannot be possible without an accurate measurement of the same quantity. This publication regards a continued study on the mechanical friction determination in an internal combustion engine using the Pressurised Motoring Method. In this work, the friction mean effective pressure of a four-cylinder compression ignition engine was investigated with varying engine speed and manifold pressurisation, using a dedicated high precision sensor for the correct …
The Potential of a Separated Electric Compound Spark-Ignition Engine for Hybrid Vehicle Application
Abstract In-cylinder expansion of internal combustion engines based on Diesel or Otto cycles cannot be completely brought down to ambient pressure, causing a 20% theoretical energy loss. Several systems have been implemented to recover and use this energy such as turbocharging, turbomechanical and turbo-electrical compounding, or the implementation of Miller cycles. In all these cases however, the amount of energy recovered is limited allowing the engine to reach an overall efficiency incremental improvement between 4% and 9%. Implementing an adequately designed expander–generator unit could efficiently recover the unexpanded exhaust gas energy and improve efficiency. In this work, the appl…
A New Simple Function for Combustion and Cyclic Variation Modeling in Supercharged Spark Ignition Engines
Research in the field of Internal Combustion (IC) engines focuses on the drastic reduction of both pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. A promising alternative to gasoline and diesel fuel is represented by the use of gaseous fuels, above all green hydrogen but also Natural Gas (NG). In previous works, the authors investigated the performance, efficiency, and emissions of a supercharged Spark Ignition (SI) engine fueled with mixtures of gasoline and natural gas; a detailed research involving the combustion process of this kind of fuel mixture has been previously performed and a lot of experimental data have been collected. Combustion modeling is a fundamental tool in the design and optimi…
Design and Implementation of an Electronic Control Unit for a CFR Bi-Fuel Spark Ignition Engine
In this work an Electronic Control Unit for the management of a CFR engine will be described. The engine, which is used both for fuel octane rating (both in terms of RON and MON) and for research purpose, is equipped with a double injection system, with the aim to independently operate both with liquid and gaseous fuels. The developed ECU, hence, is able to control the injections of both kind of fuel, together with the spark ignition. Furthermore the system is also able to measure fuel’s consumption, instantaneous engine speed of rotation and air-fuel ratio, showing all the running parameters both on a local LCD display and on a PC based graphical user interface.
A Feasibility Analysis of an Electric KERS for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
In this work, the authors evaluate the energetic and economic advantages connected to the implementation of an electric Kinetic Energy Recovery System (e-KERS) on an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). The e-KERS proposed is based on the use of a supercapacitor (SC) as energy storage element, a brushless motor generator unit (MGU) for the conversion of the vehicle kinetic energy into electric energy (and vice versa), and a power converter properly designed to manage the power transfer between SC and MGU. The low complexity of the system proposed, the moderate volume and weight of the components selected for its assembly, together with their immediate availability on the market, make …