S Minerba

Lung cancer incidence in young women (20-49 years) reached incidence in young men

Il grafico, basato sui dati AIRTUM 1992- 2007,mostra l’andamento dell’incidenza di tumore del polmone nei giovani adulti di età 20-49 anni in entrambi i sessi. I

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In 2014 cancer registration covers more than half of the Italian population [Nel 2014 la registrazione dei tumori in Italia è estesa a oltre la metà del Paese]

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After the increasing trend in the Nineties, in Italy incidence of tumours in children (0-14 years) is decreasing [Dopo l'aumento registrato negli anni Novanta, in Italia l'incidenza dei tumori infantili (0-14 anni) è in diminuzione]

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In the last 15 years, survival in Italian children (0-14 years) is increased to 12%. [Negli ultimi 15 anni la sopravvivenza per tumore nei bambini italiani di età 0-14 anni è aumentata del 12%]

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Cancer incidence and mortality trends from 2003 to 2014 in Italy.

Objective: To evaluate short-term (2003–2014) cancer incidence and mortality trends in Italy. Methods: Italian Cancer Registries data, available in the AIRTUM database, from 17 out of 20 regions were used. The number of incident cases and deaths were estimated for those registries and those years with incomplete information. Age-standardized rates, overall and stratified by geographic area, region, sex, cancer site, and major age group, were computed. Time trends were expressed as annual percent change of rates. Results: In Italy, among males, incidence rates for all cancers showed during 2003–2014, a significant decrease (−0.9%/year), with stronger reductions in the northwest (−1.3%/year) …

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About 1,400 new cancer diagnosis in Italian children (0-14 years) are attended every year (7,000 in 5 years) [Ogni anno sono previste circa 1.400 nuove diagnosi di tumori maligni nei bambini italiani di età 0-14 anni (7.000 nel quinquennio)]

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