Claudia Tappert
La céramique façonnée au tour : témoin privilégié de la diffusion des techniques au Hallstatt D2-D3 et à La Tène A-B1
In recent years a series of studies made it possible to characterize the productions of thin walled pottery traditionally identified by the term “wheel-turned pottery”. The establishment of regional typologies and the realisation of petrographic analyses helped to determine these technical groups which seem to have appeared in the northern alpine zone at Hallstatt D2-D3. Today we are able to compare the results of these selected analyses and draw a temporary conclusion illuminating the context of acquisition of the potter’s wheel and its assimilation by different cultural groups within a wide spread geographical area comprising contrasting landscapes between the centre of France and the Cze…
Wege und Transport. Beiträge zur Sitzung der AG Eisenzeit während der 80. Verbandstagung des West- undSüdwestdeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung in Nürnberg 2010
International audience