Maxence Bigerelle
Optimization of the straightness measurements on rough surfaces by Monte Carlo simulation
Summary The straightness error of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is determined by measuring a rule standard. Thanks to a reversal technique, the straightness uncertainty of the CMM is theoretically dissociated from the straightness uncertainty of the rule. However, stochastic variations of the whole measurement system involve uncertainties of the CMM straightness error. To quantify these uncertainties, different sources of stochastic variations are listed with their associated probability density functions. Then Monte Carlo methods are performed first to quantify error and secondly to optimize measurement protocol. It is shown that a 5-measurement distance from 0.1 mm to each measurem…
Surface Reflectance: An Optical Method for Multiscale Curvature Characterization of Wear on Ceramic–Metal Composites
Surface gradient characterization by light reflectance (SGCLR) is used for the first time for multiscale curvature calculations and discrimination of worn surfaces on six damaged ceramic&ndash