Synthesis of low density poly(ethylene) using nickel iminophosphonamide complexes
Ethylene polymerization using a catalyst derived from the reaction of the phosphorane (Me3Si)2NP(NSiMe3)2 (1) with either Ni(COD)2 or bis(π-allyl)Ni complexes affords branched poly(ethylene) (PE) of variable MW (103−106) depending on conditions. The branched PE of high MW is semicrystalline with Tm < 100 °C. High field 13C NMR spectra reveal the presence of methyl branches (ca. 10−15 per 1000 C atoms), branches longer than six C atoms (15−20 per 1000 C atoms) and trace levels of ethyl, propyl, n-butyl, and sec-butyl branches (total <2 per 1000 C atoms). The branching distribution changes modestly in response to changes in ethylene pressure in a manner consistent with a chain-walking mechani…