Reliability and validity evidence of the early numeracy test for identifying children at risk for mathematical learning difficulties
Abstract This study investigated reliability and validity evidence regarding the Early Numeracy test (EN-test) in a sample of 1139 Swedish-speaking children (587 girls) in kindergarten (n = 361), first grade (n = 321), and second grade (n = 457). Structural validity evidence was established through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which showed that a four-factor model fit the data significantly better than a one-factor or two-factor model. The known-group and cross-cultural validity were established through multigroup CFAs, finding that the four-factor model fit the gender, age and language groups equally well. Internal consistency for the test and sub-skills varied from good to excellen…
Achievement emotions and arithmetic fluency : Development and parallel processes during the early school years
This study investigated the developmental trajectories and interrelationships of mathematics-related achieve-ment emotions and arithmetic fluency from first to third grade, and the effects of these on third grade mathe-matics performance. Participants were 232 Norwegian students. Students' emotions and arithmetic fluency were measured four times and mathematics performance once. Applying latent growth curve modeling, developmental patterns of decreasing enjoyment and increasing boredom were observed over time. The mean level of enjoyment remained fairly high, and of both boredom and anxiety quite low. Individual differences were observed in both the initial levels and development of all emo…